Sadness part 4

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It's the last part of this chapter.

Radha was killed and Vaishali quickly threw the knife in the river and ran away before the charioteer came.
The charioteer came and saw Radha's dead body. He was completely shocked. He didn't know what to do. He saw that Vaishali had also gone.
He quickly took the body in the chariot and moved his chariot with the speed of  lightning towards Anga. He reached in half the time it usually takes and directly went inside the castle with the body.

"Maharaj, Maharaj" he called out.
Draupadi hearing this quickly came down. And saw the charioteer's body full with blood stains.
"What happened? Where is Mata and Vaishali?" Draupadi asked worriedly.
"Maharani, Raa.....j.......Mata" the charioteer started crying.
He went to his chariot and brought the body of Radha.
Draupadi was shocked. She fell down on her knees and started crying.
"No, Mata you also cannot leave us. No........" Draupadi's eyes were full of tears. "How will I control Arya ? "
She managed to control her emotions and asked the charioteer, "Who did this? Was it an accident?"
Charioteer - No, Maharani. I just went to buy some fruits for my family members. And till the time I came, Rajmata's dead body was there. Vaishali had also disappeared.
Draupadi - (thinking) Was my hunch right? Did Vaishali kill Mata? But Arya won't believe it.
Soon Karna came downstairs and saw the sight. Charioteer crying. Draupadi's red eyes and Radha's dead body.
Karna was shocked. Why, why this to him only ? First, Adhirath died and now Radha too.
Karna was out of his mind. He started throwing the stools, the vases, anything near him. Draupadi who had not noticed Karna's arrival heard the noise and came towards him.
"Arya please stop." She said as tears left her eyes. But Karna won't. Draupadi had to do something. She shouted loudly, "Arya."
"Arya please." She said more softly but while crying.
Karna fell to his knees. " Why Draupadi why? Why the mountain of sorrow on us only? " And started crying.
Draupadi - Arya, we need to be strong. (Showing control over her emotions although she was shattered from inside)
Karna - How can I be strong, Draupadi? Two deaths back to back. How can I handle it?
Draupadi - Arya we need to find out who murdered Mata.
"What!" Karna asked in a shock "Someone murdered her. Tell me everything."
And hence the charioteer told everything again. Draupadi told him about the hunch that Vaishali killed Mata.
Karna got up with anger in his eyes and fisted his hand. "I will not leave that girl." He said. Karna could resist everything but betrayal.
Draupadi then said, "Arya we need to do the last rites of Mata first."
And Karna again broke down.
The priest was called and preparations of the funeral made.
Karna remembered all the memories with her. How she used to run after him when he was small and scold him for some naughtiness. How he used to bring her some Aparajita flowers as a sorry. How she cried when he left for his studies from Parshuram. How he was shattered after receiving the twin curses and was consoled by Radha. He poured ghee and lighted the pyre half-heartedly. When the cremation were over, a new Karna was facing Draupadi. He had anger in his eyes such that it could Burn anyone. He was determined to kill Vaishali.
As soon as he entered the palace he called the general of his army. And asked him to form a search party and search for Vaishali. As soon as the party was leaving, a woman stepped in the castle. Her clothes were torn out. Scratches on the face and blood flowing from her hands and feet. Her hair were scattered, giving her the look of a madwoman. That woman was none other than Vaishali.

Precap: "It is my fault. Because of me, Mata got killed."

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