Chapter 2 Swayamvara

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Draupadi got ready in a splendid red saree for her swayamvara. With bangles, waistband, anklets and a jeweled nose ring she looked so glamorous that even the most virtuous men may fall for her.

 With bangles, waistband, anklets and a jeweled nose ring she looked so glamorous that even the most virtuous men may fall for her

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Her brother Dhristidyuma was waiting for her outside her rooms to walk her to the wedding hall. He took her by her arms and showed her first the kings who just came to watch. then he pointed out important suitors to her.

"Arjun?" Draupadi finally asked.

"Not here" was the reply.

Dhrishtidyuma went on to name other names. When he stopped, Draupadi asked, "Is that all?"

Dhrishtidyuma answered, " Oh yes, there is Karna." and pointed out that  person whom Draupadi longed to see. The eyes which attracted her.

 Soon the Swayamvara started. Draupadi couldn't help but stare at Karna. and Karna too was mesmerized with her beauty. They shared an eyelock until Karna's name was called out.

Like a lion Karna rose to his feet. He turned eastward to pray to the sun. He turned northward to bow to his teacher. He joined his palms in respect to the mighty Kindhara. But Drupad called in an enraged tone, "this person can't participate and marry my daughter. He is a Sutaputra."

The happy face suddenly turned to sadness. As he was just returning to his seat Draupadi said, "No father, here every king is a competitor in my swayamvara. He is a king and hence have the right to compete. "

"You are just a mere girl." said a suitor king who failed. "Who gave you the right to choose what is right and what is wrong."

"If my decision is truly wrong then may the sun god burn me to ashes." Draupadi replied.

Everyone's body itched with the heat but nothing happened to Draupadi.

Without listening another word, Karna took the bow and hit the eye of the fish. He was the winner.

The commoners erupted in cheer, though the other kings were quiet. The priests rushed towards Draupadi and Karna pronouncing chants. Draupadi's attendants rushed forward singing wedding songs. Someone gave them the garlands and they put them around each other's necks. Some king blew their battle conch. Karna signaled his soldiers to help the Panchal army. They agreed and rushed forward. 

Draupadi and Karna moved towards Karna's golden chariot with a good bye kiss from Dhrishtidyuma and moved towards Anga.

Draupadi was finally married to the person she wished to marry. It is a new start of a new journey for her. Hope it goes well without any hurdles.

Precap : And by saying that Bhishm kissed Amba on her lips and Nakul saw that.

Bhishm and Amba coming in the next chapter. Excited.

Sorry for a short chapter.

I apologise for any grammatical mistake or spelling error.


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