Chapter 14 - Who are you ?

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"Abhi it is fun playing in the sand, rimght?" Prativindhya asked while holding a little sand in his little hands and again letting it go.
Abhimanyu just hummed in response absent mindedly.
Prativindhya looked up at him. "What happened, Abhi? Where are you lost?" Prativindhya asked with concern.
"Nothing, just thinking about Pitashree." Abhimanyu replied.
"Oh Abhi stop overthinking. We are happy here. Just live in the moment." Prativindhya replied.
"No Vindhya. My heart will only get peace when I meet Pitashree and give him the fruits of his deeds." Abhimanyu said.
"Oh so we have some cute boys company here. " A person said happily and stood behind Abhimanyu and Prativindhya.
They both looked behind to see a handsome young prince with a bow hung on his shoulders.
"Who are you? " Abhimanyu asked in a dangerous tone.
"Whoa, first you should tell me, what are you doing here at the time of evening. You should go home now." The stranger said as he knelt down to match the kids level.
"We are not afraid of anyone. These animals and birds are our friends." Prativindhya said cutely.
"You are so cute." The stranger said ruffling Prativindhya's hair.
"Tell me who are you. " Abhimanyu asked again in a serious tone.
"I am here to kidnap you. " the stranger said in a fun way and laughed but the kids took it seriously.
They recalled :

"Abhi, Vindhya not all men are good so whenever you are in forest alone stay near the house or river and if anyone comes to kidnap you run from there. " Draupadi explained to the kids.
"Mata what is kidnap?" Prativindhya asked.
"Someone can kidnap you and lock you in a dungeon or sell you to others and make you work there. So always beware." Draupadi said caressing their face.
"OK mata. " Both said and nodded in agreement.

Flashback over.

But our Vindhya and Abhi always do opposite of what they have been told.
So instead of running, they looked at each other nodded their heads and while the stranger was busy laughing at himself, Prativindhya took out the stranger's sword with ease and did some act with it(I don't know what it's called, the warriors do it that moving the sword in air and showing their skills that one)  and then threw the sword towards Abhimanyu and Abhimanyu kept the tip of the sword on the stranger's neck.
The stranger was amazed as the sword was heavy and the kids were too skillful. He did not react as they were kids only. He couldn't possibly harm them.
"I am asking for the last time who are you?" Abhimanyu asked.
For a minute the stranger didn't answer. The kids could be some princes or maybe a part of terrorist groups. Then he finally spoke.
"I, I am..... " He took a long breath and said. "I am Arjun."
"Oh my god. Arjun the great archer. We have finally met him. " Prativindhya said as he hugged Arjun's legs.
The kids didn't knew that he was their Kakashree. They had only heard that there are  two greatest archers in the world first their pitashree and second Arjun.
Abhimanyu ran and brought something from their house in a minute.
It was a stone carving in which Arjun was written and a bow was made below the name.
"Guru ji please except thi small guru dakshina from your little shishya (student). " Abhimanyu said as he presented the carving to him and touched his feet.
"Oh my! Guru, Shishya, I" Arjun said in a confused manner.
"Ohh this carving is very beautiful thank you. "Arjun said happily.
"Obviously it will be beautiful. Abhi made it himself." Prativindhya said proudly.
"You made it yourself? " Arjun said as he knelt down to match Abhimanyu's level.
Abhimanyu nodded shyly in response.
"Thank you it has become more special for me because you made it. By the way, you kids change moods easily. First angry, then happy, then shy. My bhratashree is also like this. " Arjun said as he cupped their faces with one hand.
"By the way, I am not your guru, Abhi" Arjun said.
"My full name is Abhimanyu. And you are my inspiration in archery. When I grow up I want to become like you. "
Abhimanyu said.
"Sure, " Arjun laughed and said. "What do you want to become little one? " he said as he turned his face towards Prativindhya.
"I am Prativindhya. I want to excel in sword fighting just like Nakul." Prativindhya said.
"OK now don't start your Nakul puran again okay. " Abhimanyu said keeping his hands ready as to keep on his ears if Prativindhya starts.
"Nakul Puran? " Arjun chuckled and asked.
"Yes once he start speaking about him he doesn't stop speaking even though he has never seen him and only heard about him. " Abhimanyu said.
"Any other interests you both have." Arjun asked to extend the conversation.
"Yes I like poetry and Abhi likes art." Prativindhya said.
"You know my bhratashree also like these things. And you shouldn't keep Nakul or me as your idol you should keep him as your inspiration. He is best in everything." Arjun said.
"Oh what is his name? " Prativindhya asked.
"Samrat Karna" Arjun said leaving both the brothers in shock.
"Ohh so you are related to him. Then how dare you talk to us? What your brother did to my mother, the insult which he gave her, your brother should receive the worst punishment, death." Abhimanyu said angrily.
"Huhh.. " Arjun looked at them confused.
"Our mother still cries because of that incident. The pain she goes through, the filthy works she does and the condition we are in today is just because of your so called brother. Our mother deserves far more better than this. " Prativindhya also bursted on him.
"Kids what had happened? I will talk to Bhratashree. I will get your mother justice." Arjun said trying to control them.
"The one who used to give justice to the whole kingdom will now fight for justice. (fake laugh) see how the world has become Abhi. " Prativindhya said.
"The only justice our mother requires is death of your brother Samrat Karn. " Abhimanyu said angrily.
"What had happened? Who is your mother? " Arjun asked once again.
"We won't tell. Why should we? Your brother should be the one who should find us and take us back. But see he hasn't done any effort to find us. He should ask forgiveness oh sorry beg for forgiveness by falling on our mother's feet. " Abhimanyu said angrily.
"Excuse me, we are of royal lineage. " Arjun said forgetting that they were kids.
"So do you think we come from servants lineage. No, we have royal blood flowing through our veins. We deserve to sit on the thrones as princes. But because of your brother we have to live here. And do we regret it? Nope.   It is better to live in this forest rather than living in the palace where our mother was insulted." Abhimanyu said.
It is said that sometimes kids turn mature at a very small age and here Arjun was seeing a live example. Abhimanyu looked like the same Arjun who wanted to go back to the palace to gain their rights and get back their mother's reputation.
"And this stone carving which I prepared. You don't deserve it. If you are connected to that man you also might be responsible for sending my mother away. So.." Abhimanyu said and threw the stone carving which broke as soon as it hit the ground.
"Don't ever come in this forest or near our cottage again." Prativindhya said.
"And once we grow up and come to Indraprastha remember it would be the worst day of you, your Bhratashree and the rest of your family excluding females and children. Kakashree mind my words. " Abhimanyu said and held Prativindhya's hand and walked towards their cottage leaving behind an astonished Arjun.

Arjun walked towards his horse and rode towards Indraprastha. Who were those children? What had Bhratashree done to their mother? And why was that kid calling me Kakashree? Was he some prince of neighboring kingdom? These questions roamed in Arjun's mind.
As he reached the palace, Subhadra welcomed him cheerfully. But Arjun responded in a confused manner.
"Arya what happened? Looking so tensed."Subhadra asked as they walked towards their room.
"No just... " Arjun paused and took and long breath "Met two boys and they said that Bhrata had done injustice with their mother and weird thing is they called me Kakashree."
"It could be some lady thinking she didn't got proper justice. Besides I don't think Bhratashree provided injustice to anyone. Don't think that much." Subhadra said as she put her hand on his shoulder.
"But the kids had some aura that attracted me towards them. And they resembled all the characters which Bhratashree and bhabhishree had. " Arjun said.
"Don't think too much. You can change then we can have our dinner. " Subhadra said.

No precap.

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