Chapter 13 - Life has changed

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Draupadi's POV (Guys I am writing pov for the first time so if it's not good then sorry.)
We were so happy.
Our palace was built.  We were leading a peaceful life. But now life has completely changed. If that wouldn't have happened 6 years ago maybe I would have been still living with Arya.
Yes, he left me, he broke my trust. I don't blame him.  He was trapped. He thought I was wrong. He left me when I most needed him.
"Mata, Mata" Two voices called out.
"Yes my beautiful stars. " I said smiling at them.
"Mata you again cried. " Abhimanyu said to me while wiping my tears.
The same touch which Arya had was felt by me again.
"Mata please don't cry. " Prativindhya said and gave me a hug.
The same warmth which I felt when I was in Arya's embrace was felt by me again.
These two boys always reminded me of Arya.
Abhimanyu reminded me of the serious nature of Arya.
Prativindhya reminded me of the sweet nature of Arya.
After him and Dhrishtidyumna , these two were the only ones who made me felt loved.
"Mata why do you always remember that king of Indraprastha who left you? He doesn't even deserve to be in memory. " Abhimanyu said angrily.
Even though they were only 5 years old they understood a lot more than even me.
"Putra, he is still your father. " I said.
"Mata, I won't respect the person who brought tears in my mother's eyes. " Prativindhya said in anger which is seen very rarely.
"Putra, let's not talk about this." I said calming them down.
"Mata every day you used to keep quiet or divert the topic whenever we used to ask about Pita shree. But since the day Pitamahi Amba has told us about it, we are waiting for the day when that man will come to take you and we will vent out our anger on him. " Abhimanyu said holding his bow tightly.
Yes, After I left the palace I am living with mata Amba. And say it bad luck or something else, I reached the same day when Pitamah Bhishm and Mata Amba were discussing about their marriage. When Pitamah Bhishm found out what Arya did, he vowed he won't marry until Arya apologized to me.
"Now, I know what can calm my volcanoes. Let's go to the market in the afternoon." I said smiling at them.
"Yes mata, you are the best. You don't have to go to the Seth's house also today to work. Let's go play Abhi." Prativindhya said and held Abhimanyu's arm and took him outside.
I am tired of telling them that their father was not bad. He was tricked. He had told me that he would be the best father in the world. I still remember that day.

Flashback :

Karna and Draupadi were roaming in the streets of Hastinapur by disguising themselves as commoners.
They saw a man carrying his daughter on his shoulders and smiling and his daughter cutely pulling his cheeks and laughing.
Karna and Draupadi smiled seeing this.
Karna whispered to Draupadi,  "When we would have kids, I will also do the same to them. You will see that I would be the best father in the world."
Draupadi blushed on the statement and took his hands in her and said, "You surely would be." and smiled.

Flashback end.

Arya I know you would have been the best father. But I am sorry.
The broken trust cannot heal easily.
I know you keep finding me but I only hide. I am afraid to face you.
My children would hate you. I myself wouldn't be able to see in your eyes. If I would, I will break down and have hatred for you. You myself will not be able to face me. I don't want to see you in pain,  regret and guilt.
I have to accept my fate. Just like Mata Sita. But Dharti mata won't accept me right. (laughs)
I work hard for my kids but it is never enough. Working as a maid in two houses with only 5 gold coins per month won't work, right. (gold coins were valuable let's assume 1 gold coin= Rs. 100 )
I am worried about their education and future. They have royal blood flowing through their veins. Will they work as servants for the royal people? No I won't allow it.
After they grow up I will send them back to their father and kill myself. Yes that will be right.
Karna's POV
I don't know Draupadi if you remember this day or not. But today is the day when I claimed you as mine. On the day of Nakul's marriage, you became mine forever. It was the best day of my life.
I still regret not trusting you Draupadi. The harsh decision changed my life forever. I myself go to find you in the forests, in the towns, in kingdoms hoping that one day I will meet you ,find my Draupadi, hug her so tightly that she would not escape again, shower her face with kisses and say her sorry for everything I did but it never happens. The day never comes. I know you are hiding from me Draupadi but it is me who should hide. It is me who should be punished.
Don't know where you would be working as servants for the people who are not even worthy to wash the dishes in which you ate.
If telepathy was a thing for us normal humans then I would like to convey only one message to you. I love you Draupadi and I always would.
I looked at the night sky and saw a star detach itself from the sky and fall indicating me that my message is sent and received and I smiled seeing that.

Back in the forest, as Draupadi was making her kids sleep, she heard Karna's voice and looked towards the window and whispered, "I love you too Arya."

Precap: "Who are you?" asked Abhimanyu while keeping the stranger's sword near his neck while the stranger did not protest because Abhimanyu was a child.
"I.........I am" the stranger took a long breath and said, "I am....Arjun. "

First meet of Arjun and kids soon gonna happen.

Questions :

1) Am I writing pov nicely?

2) How is the twist?

3)Do you want any special scene?

4)Any new idea for plot?

5)Why do you think Draukarn separated?

Do comment.

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