Sadness part 3

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The next day started like any other day for Draupadi. The only difference was the voice of Mata Radha instead of Karna saying good morning.
Radha gave Draupadi some water. And asked her to stay in the room and not come down even in this initial stage.
Draupadi felt a little awkward but managed to bring a little smile.
Draupadi still came down as she was getting bored. And she was glad about it. Mata Radha was telling Karna something important and asked Draupadi to join in but gave her a warning to not to come like this again.
Radha told, "There is a ritual that mother in law perform for their pregnant daughter in law called "ganga piban" (Guys it is an imaginary ritual. I was not getting a good name for it. So please cope) performed only in Hastinapur. In this mother in law fetches ganga water from the river to her daughter in law with adds love and affection to the water and makes the baby healthy."
"Mother you don't have to do it. You are in Anga not in Hastinapur." Karna said.
"So what," Radha replied "till Hastinapur I will go, bring water in a pot and come back to Anga."
"Then I or Draupadi will go with you" Karna said. He feared that seeing Hastinapur and her cottage Radha will remember Adhirath's death.
"Draupadi won't travel in this state and if you go who will take care of Draupadi." Radha said.
Suddenly a voice was heard. "Can I go with mata?"
It was of Vaishali.
Draupadi hesitated as Vaishali had said her the lie about the Magadha princess. But Karna had a blind trust on her. Anyways she lived in the village where Karna's childhood was spent and she had saved his mother's life once from a snake.
But somewhere deep inside his inner soul was telling not to trust her. But stil he agreed.
Hence it was decided that they will leave tomorrow.
It was secretly discussed between Draupadi and Karn that till the time Mata is gone, they will perform the remaining rites of Adhirath.

The next morning was very beautiful but Draupadi felt a little weird. Bad omen signs were visible around the palace. Eagles were shouting and dogs were howling. She brushed off these omens thinking that she was pondering over it too much.
Soon she got ready and went to bid a goodbye to Radha and Vaishali.
She got a scolding from Radha for coming down but anyone's heart can melt with Draupadi's puppy face.
Draupadi felt a strange feeling and a sense of insecurity but Karna assured her that nothing will happen.
Soon, Radha and Vaishali left.
Karna and Draupadi made preparation for the Brahman Bhoj. Even Durvasa rishi was called. Every Brahman praised Draupadi for her excellent cooking.
When all the Brahmans left, Durvasa rishi stayed and talked to Karna and Draupadi, "The lie you have said son will only keep you in regret. There will be many problems coming but promise to stay together or great problems may befall you. " And went away.
Draupadi again told Karna, " Arya, I am telling you tell the truth to Mata."
Karna replied, "I will, when the right time comes."
Draupadi understanding that Karna won't tell Mata no time sooner planned to tell the Truth tonight to Radha.

In Hastinapur:
Radha and Vaishali reached the river Ganga in their chariot. They went to the rivers bank and Radha took the water in the earthen pot she had brought. Vaishali said, " Mata see there are some tamarind there. Draupadi was saying me the other day that she wanted to eat some. Should I bring some?"
Radha replied with a smile, " Of course." She sat on the nearest stone and Vaishali went to the tree. Seeing that the Charioteer had also gone for some work, she quickly took out something hidden beneath her saree. It was a knife. While Radha was looking somewhere else, she attacked her from behind and stabbed the knife near her heart.
Radha surprised, looked back and by saying, "Vai...Sha.....Li." got short of breath and died.

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