Chapter 6- Sadness

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Nakul and Sahdev were plucking some flowers for Mata Kunti. Sahdev was totally focused on his work. But Nakul was lost in his daydreams. Even plucking leaves in that process.
He imagined Nayantara and him walking in the garden hand in hand and he immersed in her beauty.
Sahdev suddenly heard some neighing of horses and asked Nakul if he heard the same. But Nakul lost in his dreams imagined Sahdev's hand to be of Nayantara and kissed it.
"Nakul!" Sahdev cried and Nakul finally became conscious and realised what he did.
"I will tell to Mata." Sahdev said.
"Please my brother don't tell. I beg you." Nakul said in a pleading tone.
"Do you hear that sound? Looks like a chariot has fallen nearby." Sahdev said.
"Let's go and check." Nakul said as he moved to the spot.
They both were shocked to see the scene.
"Pitamah Bhishm!?"
"Adhirath Kaka!?"
Nakul and Sahdev rushed as they saw the silver chariot of Bhishm stained with blood.
"How? Where? When?" These were the thoughts coming in their mind. It didn't matter to them that their identity is disclosed. Only the lives of their loved ones mattered to Nakul and Sahdev.
Nakul picked up Pitamah and Sahdev carried Adhirath. Nakul quickly took them to the nearest cottage. Amba's Hut.
Amba was shocked to see their condition. She didn't want to loose Bhishm at any cost. Quickly Nakul and Sahdev brought the herbs and started their treatment.
Bhishma got some scratches and cuts. But Adhirath was injured by three poisonous arrows. No matter how hard they tried but the medicines weren't working.
Adhirath said with a struggle, "I am counting my last breaths. Please tell Karna and my wife Radha about my demise. And pitamah please take care of my son so that he never feels the absence of his father." And by saying so he died. Nakul and Sahdev started crying and Bhishm was whole broken up as he couldn't save the life of even one person.
"Nakul and Sahdev, bring Kunti and Arjun. We will at once perform the rites of Adhirath and leave for Anga." Bhishma said as he wiped his tears. Adhirath was more like a friend to him. He could trust him with his life.
As Nakul and Sahdev left, Amba asked, "Devvrat how did this happen?"
The reply came, " Some bandits attacked us. I wiped their entire army. But the bandits hidden in the trees attacked us with poisonous arrows. I was saved but Adhirath got hit by the arrows. " Tears started forming in Bhishma eyes. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine." Amba said as she kissed Bhishma on the cheeks surprising him.
Soon Nakul and Sahdev came with the rest. They performed Adhirath final rites and left for Anga.

In Anga
Draupadi woke up with the sun high in the sky. Late again!! She scolded herself in her mind.
Suddenly Karna came out of nowhere and said, "Good morning, Sunshine." as he kissed Draupadi on her cheeks.
"Arya why didn't you wake me up?" Draupadi asked her  in a sleepy manner.
"You looked so beautiful while sleeping so What could I do?" Karn said romantically.
"Breaking news" Karna started "I will spend the whole day with you today."
"Wh..What?" Draupadi asked, shocked and suddenly got on her feet. (She was still in bed.)
"You don't want to...?" Karna asked lifting his left eyebrow up.
"No.....I mean you have stately affairs."
"Court of justice?"
"All the petitions?"
"Why is my prime minister for?"
"Preparation for the upcoming fair?"
"Almost done"
"And my duties?"
"I have completed them."
"See Draupadi" Karna said while making a pout "If you don't want to come, then Ok."
"No, I want to come. I just don't want you to leave your duties for me." Draupadi said.
"Oh. My wife cares this much for me. " As he said he tried to grab Draupadi's hand but Draupadi quickly ran and went to change her clothes.
She came after sometime wearing a beautiful peach colour saree. Karna was mesmerized by her beauty and was about to kiss her, when there was a knock at the door.
Karna was irritated. He asked, "Who is it?"
"Maharaj, the commander of Hastinapur Pitamah Bhishm, Rajkumar Arjun, Rajkumar Nakul, Rajkumar Sahdev and Rajmata Kunti have come. They urgently want to meet you." The soldier said from behind the door.
Draupadi looked tensed, "There might be something very important Arya. We should go and check." And Karna nodded in agreement.

Precap: "Rajmata Radha got a panic attack. I don't think we will be able to save her." The vaidya informed.

I know guys you must be thinking Adhirath died instead of Radha but trust me an exciting turn is soon coming

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