Chapter 10 Healing Wounds

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Kunti and Pandavas set out for the forest to Karn and Draupadi's cottage.
"Putri." Kunti called out to Draupadi.
Who might be here at this moment. Draupadi thought as she wiped her hand with her saree's pallu and came out.
"Rajmata Kunti." She said in surprise and quickly touched her feet.
"Pranam Bhabhi shree." Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev said in unison.
"Pranam." Draupadi joined her hands.
"Putri, where is Karn." Kunti said urgently.
"Mata, I'll call him." "Arya....Arya....." Draupadi called out from there.
"Coming, just a moment. " Karna shouted.
"What happened?" Karna asked as he came.
Then he noticed Kunti.
" Pranam, Rajmata Kunti." Karna said as he touches her feet.
"Aayushmaan bhav." Kunti said as a blessing.
"Pranam Bhratashree." Arjun,  Nakul and Sahdev greeted.
"Pranam. What brings you all here?" Karna said.
"Putra, can I talk to you, alone?" Kunti asked."
Karna was a little surprised but still guided her to the nearby pond.
When they left, being of curious nature, Draupadi asked the trio, " What happened? Why did Mata took Arya for talking alone?"
Nakul and Sahdev started making a hesitated expression but Arjun covered up for them to avoid uneasy questions.
"Bhabhi shree, we also don't know. But now we are hungry so please bring some food." Arjun said.
Draupadi smiled and rushed to the kitchen.

After a long talk about this and that, Kunti still couldn't direct him to the main talk.
There was nervousness, perhaps fear in the way she spoke, which Karna sensed, so he said, " Raj Mata what I feel that you want to tell me something else, right? So you have nothing to fear. "
Kunti took a deep breath and said, "First, promise me that you will not get angry and take this thing calmly."
"I promise."
"All these years, I have hidden this truth, just to save my reputation. Now I can't bear to see in you pain."
"What truth Raj mata?"
"Do you know, why the Sun god only appears to you and listen to your prayers or why we both look so similar?"
Karna was confused. he never thought about these things earlier.
"Because you are my son, Karna. You are mine and the Sun god's son." And by saying this, Kunti burst out crying and explained everything about how she got the boon from Rishi Durvasa when she was young, then how she tried to test it and got a son from Surya Dev and how she floated the baby away in the river.
Karna was taken aback.
Was this that Sun God meant?
"Do the others know about this?" Karna asked with tears forming in his eyes.
"I told Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev yesterday only. They accepted you happily." Kunti replied still crying. "Please come with me, son. Please come to Hastinapur. I will convince the others  somehow. I will.."
"No Mata." Karna said turning his back towards her. "I lived thinking that I am a charioteer's son. And one day a royal lady comes to me and says that you are my son. " Karna turned towards her. " Do you think I will accept her?" Karna said angrily his eyes red.
"If you want to save your reputation, then go save it. Don't tell anyone about me. Now why have you came? Oh. Now I get it Yudhishthir and Bheem have died. Now the heir is Duryodhana but Dusasan took the kingdom. Now no one in the Pandava lineage can become king. But with me as the eldest, the Pandav lineage can easily prosper. You want me only for your benefit." Karna said with tears and anger.
Kunti again cried. It was hard to explain how much she loved Karna even though she was not with him. How she used to think and regret her decision.
"Karna please come back or else I will die from guilt." Kunti pleaded before him.
"How can I betray Radha ma and pitashree? Even though they are dead, they lived up to think that I am their son. What do you say of that?" Karna said in anger.
Kunti couldn't answer. Karna just won't listen. She looked towards the Sun and prayed to it. "Oh Surya dev, now you can only explain your son."
A sudden bright light emerged behind them. The sun god again appeared.
"Putra, did you forget what I told you?" The god said in his humble voice.
Karna turned and did pranam.
"Instead of running away, face the truth. It is the reality. You have to accept it." Sun god said.
"Will it not be betrayal towards Radha ma and pitashree?" Karna asked.
"They both already knew that you are not their son but instead of a royal lineage. But they did not know that who is your real mother or if she is alive. And they are seeing you from heaven and wants you to return to Kunti." The god replied.
"Rajmata only floated me away to save her reputation and now she wants me back. Is it right?" Asked Karn some of his rudeness towards Kunti melting away.
"Try to put yourself in her situation. " Said the sun god "anyone would have done the same thing. And she cannot bear to see her son in exile while she enjoys the pleasure of palace."
Karna still stuck to his point. " But I still don't want to go. I have taken exile. I cannot return to palace."
"I knew you would say this." The god replied humbly. "So I brought your mother's soul with me. Radha please come."
Karna was dumbstruck and tears formed in his eyes.
"Putra" she called out.
"Mata" karna rushed to hug her but realised that he couldn't touch her.
"Putra, you are not responsible for my death. Someone else is." Radha said.
"Who is that person?" Karna asked.
"Sorry I am not allowed to speak the name. But please return. It causes me only pain to see my son and daughter-in-law in forest. Promise me you will return with Kunti to Hastinapur. "
And Radha vanished in thin air.
"Where, where did Mata go?" Karna asked
"Her soul got only a specified amount of time on Earth. Now she has returned to the heavenly abode." The sun god replied.
"Putra please come back. See even Radha said." Kunti said still crying.
"I......... don't know." Karna said looking down.
"Putra, atleast come back for Draupadi." Kunti said.
And Karna finally realised the hardships she is facing.
"The princess always surrounded by maids is now living in forest. It's not even been a week to your marriage. At least return to Hastinapur for her, if not for me." Kunti said.
Karna thought a bit.
"Ok Mata. I will return to Hastinapur for Draupadi. I will treat you as my mother and Arjun, Nakul and Sahdev as my brothers. I will try my best to get my rightful place in Hastinapur." Karna said.
Surya Dev blessed both of them and left.
Both son and mother wiped each other's tears and went to their cottage.

Back there in the cottage:
"Bhabhi shree your hands have magic. The food is delicious." Nakul exclaimed.
"Bhabhishree tell us about your family, friends." Arjun asked with a friendly smile.
"I only have one brother, Dhri. He had always been my companion. After him, my only companion was Nayantara. " Draupadi said cheerfully.
Listening his love's name made Nakul blush. Sahdev took benefit of this moment.
"Ohh Nayantara. Who is she?"
Nakul whispered to him in anger, "Sahdev."
"She is the princess of Magadh. Very beautiful. I thought you know her. She has visited Hastinapur many times with her father." Draupadi said.
"I cannot recall. Oh yes I saw her potrait once. Nakul really liked her." Said Sahdev.
"Sahdev!" Nakul again cried.
"Oh. It's nice. Nayantara is very friendly. They will make good friends." Draupadi said.
"Yes, they surely will. By the way, what was her name again?" Sahdev asked with a little smile on his face.
"Sahdev!" Nakul said a little loudly which was audible to all.
"What happened, Nakul?" Arjun asked.
"Yes, what happened, Nakul? Can't I talk to Bhabhi Shree?" Sahdev asked.
"It's not that thing." Nakul said a trifle abashed. "It's just that lets talk about something else."
The talk continued.
After some time, Karna and Kunti arrived. Karna had his one arm on her shoulder and the other holding his mother's hand tenderly.
Draupadi, no doubt, was a little surprised.
Nakul and Arjun asked their mother by signalling her with eyes about what happened.
Kunti only could cry happy tears and shed some more tears.
They both took it is a bad sign thinking that Bhrata was not ready. And Sahdev stood there confused about what were they signalling each other.
Nakul and Arjun fell in Karna's feet and seeing them Sahdev also joined in. They started crying.
"Bhratashree, please come with us to Hastinapur. If not for Mata then at least for us." They said.
"Arey. Get up. Don't worry I will come with you." And he made them all stand up.
"Even though a little late but we will still start this journey of brotherhood from today and make the most of it. You know....... teasing Nakul, playing tricks and doing naughtiness." Karna said smiling playfully.
"Bhrata you also know about Nakul." Sahdev smiled and said.
"Yes of course. Everyone in the Aryavart knows it." Karna said.
Nakul turned red. How did his love story get leaked without him knowing.
"That Nakul loves his horses like if they are his wife." Karna completed his sentence.
Nakul took a sigh of relief.
"What? Where you expecting something else?" Karna asked as he saw his reaction.
" Bhratashree." Nakul said.
"I am not getting any of this." Draupadi said finally.
"Let me explain." Karna said as he took her aside and explained her everything.
Draupadi again came and touched Kunti's feet.
"Now my daughter in law won't suffer. Let's go to Hastinapur."
Kunti had already brought the royal clothes with her as she believed Karn won't deny her.
They quickly changed into the royal attire and went with her and his brothers to the chariot. And obviously to Hastinapur.

Precap: Way to Indraprastha.

Finally after a month I am back.
Sorry guys for long break. It is a long chapter so it took time. Also my maternal uncle died so I was busy in the rituals and did not feel like writing.
Boring chapters are on the way but don't stop to see my story.

I apologise for any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.

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