Chapter 15 - Realization

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Arjun moves in his sleep and changes directions. The face of those children and the word Kaka Shree starts ringing in his mind. He turns again in sleep and recalls the conversation between him and Subhadra. He suddenly wakes up with a jerk.

In Karna's chamber:

Karna moves around his room unable to sleep. It had become his routine in these five years. He always reminisces the memory of him and Draupadi sleeping snuggling with each other. Suddenly he hears a voice which he always hears during this time.

"Sleep Arya, I also need to sleep."

The wind brings his Draupadi's beautiful voice to his ears every night.

Karna smiles and goes to sleep peacefully.

In Arjuna's chamber:

"What happened Arya? Do you need anything?" Subhadra asked as she stifled a yawn.

"You know something about that, right?" Arjuna asked.

A slight worry look aroused on her face. But she quickly covered it up.

"No Arya. I don't know anything about those kids." Subhadra said.

"You know you are a terrible liar. And how do you know I was talking about the kids." Arjuna asked.

"Umm..I....just guessed." Subhadra said as sweat formed on her forehead.

"Subhadra tell me how do you know those kids?" Arjuna asked holding her forearm.

"Arya, actually I hid a big secret from you." Subhadra said.

"What secret?" Arjun asked having lost his patience.

"That.....Jiji......forest." Subhadra said. Her mouth was not able to form the words.

"What ? Subhadra tell me clearly. Which jiji? Which forest?" Arjuna asked impatiently.

"jijiisinthekamakyaforestimetheronceandshehastwokids." Subhadra said fastly.

"What? I did not get anything." Arjuna said.

Now Subhadra had gained confidence. So she said slowly.

"Draupadi Jiji lives in the Kamakya forest. I met her once when I went there to stroll." Subhadra said.

"What! we were finding bhabhishree everywhere and she was in the nearby forest. When did you meet her?" Arjuna asked.

"Last year." Subhadra said.

"So what's the connection of Bhabhishree and kids." Arjuna asked.

"Look I don't know which kids you are talking about. But Jiji has two boys. Maybe you had met them. Because you said they have quality of Bhratashree and jiji. And they called you Kakashree also. Maybe they know the truth. Half truth." Subhadra said and put pressure on the last two words.

"Yes, half-truth. Because if they would have known the full truth, I would have been burned alive by them." Arjuna said.

"Shhh. Don't say like this. And now sleep." Subhadra said.

As Arjuna laid down and closed his eyes, he again woke up with a start.

"Means Bhabhishree was pregnant when she left the palace." Arjun said and turned towards Subhadra.

"Umm... Yes." Subhadra said.

"And you all knew it right?" Arjun asked praying in mind for the reply being no.

"Yes. Obviously we knew." Subhadra said.

"You know right if you would have told Bhrata that time, he could have stopped bhabhishree." Arjun said.

"Yes, but jiji said not to tell anyone. And moreover why should she stay with a person who didn't trust her." Subhadra said.

"Subhadra, are you saying that Bhratashree is wrong?" Arjun asked.

"No, not at all. Anyone would have reacted like that in the situation. But didn't he have even an ounce of trust on jiji. He easily trusted that Vashali who killed Radha Ma. And lost trust is hard to win back. If Bhrata wants to bring back jiji then he would have to try very hard to persuade her." Subhadra said.

"Subhadra is it because of me that Bhabhishree left?" Arjun asked with tears in his eyes.

"No. Not at all." Subhadra said as she wiped his tears. "No one is responsible for her departure. Not even Bhratshree because he was manipulated, not even Vaishali because she was just performing what she was told to do and not even you because you were wrongly accused and not even jiji because she followed what her heart said. The one which is responsible is Lord Vishnu and our Karmas."

"That's why I love you. You are always there for me." Arjun said and smiled putting a stray hair strand which was on Subhadra's face behind her ear.

"Chalo, now let's sleep." Subhadra said and sleep overpowered them soon.

Precap: Karna and Draupadi meet again.

It was just a filler chapter. Next chapter will have a lots of dhamaka.

I apologize for any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.


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