Chapter 17 - Castle

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Draupadi came on the streets of Hastinapur again. She was fired from her job in Seth Dhyanchand's house as expected and now she was going from house to house begging for a job. As more of the doors shut in front of her, the more her hope of finding a job went down.

Perhaps Abhi and Vindhya sensed this because they put a comforting hand in her hand.

Draupadi just smiled seeing their care. But the next second she was again sad. How will she manage the household now?

She sat on the corner of the road with Abhi and Vindhya and asked for some water from the lady selling the fruits.

Thankfully the fruit vendor did not know about her, so she gave her and the kids some water.

Draupadi asked, "Do you know someone who can provide me a job?"

"I don't know anyone here. I am new to this kingdom. But you can just stand there, near the cloth shop. Some officials come there everyday to provide jobs. " The fruit vendor replied.

"OK Thank you so much." Draupadi replied and went to stand with there  in the line.

Surprisingly all were men standing in the line. She was the only woman.

Soon, a official came riding on a horse.

Draupadi immediately recognized him as she had seen him many times in the court.

One by one everyone went to him and he sent them with other Officials. 

Soon Draupadi's chance came. He looked at her and said her to stand aside for sometime.

Draupadi felt offended. Will he not provide her job because she is a woman? She nevertheless followed what he said.

After all the people standing in the line were sent, he came to her.

"So miss, please tell me your name?" He asked her.

"I think name is not needed for a job." Draupadi replied with confidence.

The Official froze for a moment for a servant can't mistake the voice of his master. Could she be Samragyi? the thought came in his mind.

Only one way to find out. I need to give her a job in Samrat's palace.

"Lady first please keep your voice down. I am at a higher post than you. " the official said.

Draupadi remembered that she is actually a Dasi now and not their queen.

"I am sorry." She said in a low voice.

Abhi and Vindhya's head bowed down because they couldn't do anything to restore their mother's honour.

"Good, We need a Dasi for Samrat's chamber. You will work there." the official said calmly.

"No. " Draupadi shouted. Everyone around stared at her and she politely apologized.

"I am sorry. I can't work in Samrat's chamber." Draupadi said.

"Listen lady, my job is to give you a job. You look like a respectful lady that's why I offered you a job in Samrat's chamber. Or else you are not even worth of working as a sweep on the roads. Is it a yes or a no from your side. " the official said angrily.

While in his mind he was apologizing again and again for misbehaving with the Samragyi if he was right. But he had to do it for bringing Samragyi to the palace.

Panchaali, why are you thinking too much. It's not like he will see you. You will stay veiled all the time and also Arya does not check the servants too. You can work there. And you hate him, remember that. Draupadi thought to herself before saying a Yes to the official.

The official smiled slightly and said, "For few days you will also work as Rani Subhadra's personal dasi as her dasi is going on a leave. We will provide you a servants chamber in the palace. You and your kids can then live comfortably there. "

His gaze went down to see the boys.

"No, there is no need for a servants chamber. We have a house in the forest. " Draupadi said hurriedly.

Abhi eyed the official to do something.

"Umm..  But it will be hard for you to come again and again to the palace every day leaving these kids alone at home. Right? " the official said.

"Yes mata. We will be afraid and what if a robber comes what will we do? " Abhi said making his cutest face.

"Umm.....  I don't know. " Draupadi said.

"See, you want the job, Right? So the only option you have is to stay in the servant chamber. Got it? " the official said.

"Okay." Draupadi said weakly.
Abhi and vindhya winked at each other.

In forest hut-
"Listen Abhi and Vindhya, no mischief in the palace. Behave properly and do as they say. Got it? " Draupadi said as she packed their stuff.

"Yes mata. " Abhi and Vindhya said in unison and started going outside.

"What happened? Where are you two going?" Draupadi asked.

"To Pitamahi Amba's cottage. To bid a goodbye." Abhi said casually.

"OK but return soon. " Draupadi instructed them before they ran off.

"Yes, we did as you told. " Abhi said to someone in the dark corners of the forest.

"Yes, we met the official, he gave Mata the job of personal dasi and even allotted servant quarters." Vindhya added

"Thank you Kakishree." Abhi smiled as someone ruffled his hair.

"Kakishree remove your cloak once. We want to see you. " Vindhya asked.

The lady removes her cloak and reveals to be-

"Good, now you know what to do in the palace. Right??" Nayantara asked.

"Yes, try to bring mata and pitashree closer." Abhi replied.

"I know my nephews are very smart. They will do this job and their Kakishree is also with them. " Nayantara said.

"Kakishree, you are so beautiful." Vindhya said.

"Aww.... Thank you. " Nayantara said smiling.

"Will we meet Kakashree Arjun also?"

"Yes, of course. Why?"

"I wanted to say sorry to him. " Abhi said and vindhya too nodded.

"Ohh for that incident. It's okay. You were not knowing the truth. I assure you that he will understand."

"Kakishree is the culprit caught?"

"Yes, she is in jail. I am sure she will die in few days."

"Okay, we will go now. We have lied to mata and came to meet you. See you." Abhi said

And both of them ran away as Nayantara waved at their departing figures.

Precap: "Was she Draupadi?" Karna wondered as he passed by a dasi.

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