Chapter 22. Are you??

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Madwi was pacing back and forth in her chamber waiting for Sahdev to come.

Calm down, Mandvi. She kept chanting this line as a mantra in her head.

It wasn't hard the last time. So it won't be this time too. She said to herself.

But her inner self was practically hyperventilating.

She sat on the bed abruptly and gulped down a whole glass of water in a go.

It will be fine. She reminded herself.
But still she wasn't able to get calm.

She had asked all the servants to excuse her and hence she was alone in the chamber.

The first streak of Moonlight entered the room through the balcony and Mandvi went to the small table kept at the side to light the glass lantern kept there.

The lantern was her favourite and she never let anyone touch that.

She held the lantern in her left hand and started adjusting the wick from her right.

The door of the chamber opened with a loud creak and in came Sahdev, giving a happy boyish grin.

For a moment Mandvi had forgotten why was she nervous in the first place.

But now as she saw Sahdev face to face,  the anxiety flooded in her mind with full force and she accidentally dropped the lantern on the ground.

The lantern hit Mandvi's foot and hence resulted in some glass shards piercing her skin.

What makes the matter worse that she even stepped on the broken glass pieces that had scattered on the ground making her wince loudly in pain.

"Aah, Aah, Aah, Aah. " Mandvi shouted in pain and started hopping on one foot, waving her injured foot in air, trying to 'shake' the pain off.

Sahdev who was smiling a moment earlier became shocked and concerned in a second and rushed towards Mandvi.

"Mandvi, Kya kiya tumne. Chot lag gyi na. (What did you do? Got hurt, didn't you?) " Sahdev asked, concern laced in his tone as he held Mandvi's shoulders to stop her from hopping.

"Aah Aah. It's paining very much, Sahdev. Aah Aah. " Mandvi said as she tried to hop again and tried to wiggle out of Sahdev's grasp.

Unlike the other women of the castle, Mandvi chose calling Sahdev as Sahdev only and not Arya or Maharaj.
No one had any problem due to this except Kunti who did not support this idea fully. But at last due to Sahdev's persuading she finally agreed

Soon a lot of blood started oozing out of Mandvi's wounds. Mandvi saw the blood and started wailing loudly.

"Aah. Khoon nikal rha hai. Bahut dukh rha hai. Kuchh Karo. (Blood is coming out. It's paining a lot. do something) " Mandavi said with her eyes closed tightly and started banging her hands in the air moving her head from side to side.

Meanwhile Sahdev slowly carried her to the bed and laid her down carefully so that her back was resting on the wall but her legs were straight.

He kept a pillow below her injured feet and quickly brought the essential medics which were needed.

Till then, Mandvi had kept her eyes shut tightly and was silently wincing in pain.

"Mandavi, open your eyes. Kuchh nhi hoga. Mai hoon na. (Nothing will happen. I am there na.) " Sahdev said softly to Mandvi as he held her feet in his hands and started removing the glass pieces.

"Aah. It's paining." Mandavi said wincing in pain.

Sahdev tried to be as gentle as possible but inside his mind, mandavi's each cry was making his heart break.

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