Chapter 12 Happiness

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Dhritrashtra held a rushed coronation for Karna and packed them off.
The Pandavas and Draupadi along with some servants and soldiers, left for Khandava on a chariot.
Not many people accompanied them and they left Kunti as they wanted to bring her when they are truly settled in the kingdom.
On the third day, the chariot not so good for rocky and barren lands, broke down and all people were left with only some cactus and lizards for company.
Karna, gaining some confidence, started walking with the horses and others could do nothing but to follow him.
They hadn't walked even 1 km when Draupadi fainted.
Karna panicked and Nakul and Sahdev started checking her.
They informed it was because of heat.
A little water was sprinkled over her and she woke up.
Draupadi had no energy left and Nakul and Sahdev were also tired.
Soon they heard the neighing of horses. Surprisingly, the sound was not created by their horses.
Sound created by movement of Chariot and voices of people was also heard.
Karna decided to ask help from them but all were shocked that how these People were going towards Khandava.
As those people neared them, they got a second surprise.
It was none other than Krishna.
They all wondered that how had he sensed that they needed help.
He brough chariots, servants,  soldiers and several sturdy horses with him along with tents,  food and clothing.

It was about to be sunset so they set up the tents and Draupadi prepared  food with the help of maids.
She saw in the distant that Krishna, Arjun and Karna were talking with each other and laughing and slapping each other's arm.
Seeing that a smile crept on her face automatically. And she went near them to call for dinner.
The forest was burning around the Pandavas and Draupadi.
Hyenas were cackling and wolves were howling. Smoke had engulfed the area and people were coughing.
Suddenly the snakes who escaped the fire came near Draupadi.
She quickly took the sword and started defending herself.
Nakul and Sahdev also did the same.
Arjun went near the burning forest as he heard someone's voice coming from there.
Karna was busy in pleasing Lord Indra to bless the land of Khandava.
Indra, once pleased, blessed the land and the Pandavas family.
Soon Arjuna came to the others with a short heighted man with crooked teeth and slight dark complexion.
"This is Maya. He makes palaces for demons and god's both. He would make one for us too. " Arjun's introduced him to everyone.
"Arjuna saved my life. So I can return back his favour atleast. So tell me what kind of palace do you want. " Maya asked.
"There should be comfy stables for our animals which keep them cool in summer and warm in winter. " Nakul said and Sahdev agreed with him.
Nakul and Sahdev had huge interest in animals.
"There should also be a room for star gazing at night from where stars are clearly visible. " Sahdev said.
Sahdev also had an interest in astronomy.
"And the dome of the palace should be so high that it should seem that it is touching the sky. " Arjun's said excitedly.
Karna smiled seeing the excitement of his brothers.
"I have no such wishes. How my brothers want the palace to be it should be like that only. " Karna smiled and said.
"Bhabhishree do you want something special? " Nakul asked cheerfully.
"Yes Draupadi tell. " Karna asked.
"Um.......Yes. I want a river flowing through the palace where lotus bloom all year long. Waterfalls and gardens everywhere in the palace. And rooms with such coolness that even sitting there for many hours we would feel fresh." Draupadi said.
"I give you more. " Maya said. "Walls looking like waterfalls. Rivers looking like floor.  But you should first give a name for your palace."
"How about, Indramahal." Nakul suggested.
"No, it would be too prideful. How about Pandav Mahal. " Sahdev said.
"No, it should be something unique. How about Rudra Mahal. " Arjun said smiling.
"Rudra is your favourite god that doesn't means we will name our palace after it. " Nakul said.
"Bhabhishree, Bhrata Karna suggest something." Sahdev asked.
"How about Palace of Illusions ?" Karna and Draupadi said together.
"Wow same choice. By the way nice choice. " Sahdev said teasingly.
"The name is perfect. Now I will go ahead to construct the palace. " Maya said.
In a few days the palace was made.
It was beautiful beyond words. It had many illusions created by Maya and only a few could see through his magic. Many times Nakul and Sahdev had fallen into the rivers which looked like floor.
Soon Kunti also came from Hastinapur and in a month a beautiful kingdom had been established around the palace. People used to call it Indraprastha as it was beautiful and prosperous as if it was the kingdom of Indra.
Everyone were happy and leading a good life.

Precap: Leap of 6 years

So finally I updated after sooooooo looooooooooooong. And guys the dhamakedar turn I was talking about since so long has finally arrived in the next chapter.

So this was today's update. Scroll down for a note 👇

Thank you thank you thank you so much guys.
You know why?
For 10k + reads.
I am seriously the happiest person in the world right now.
I didn't even think that I would reach 1k also but now it's whole 10k views.
And this all have happened cause of your love and support and patience.
Thank you thank you so much once and again.
And love you all infinite times and more.

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