Chapter-7 Truth??

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A woman stepped in the castle. Her clothes were torn out. Scratches on the face and blood flowing from her hands and feet. Her hair were scattered, giving her the look of a madwoman. That woman was none other than Vaishali.
Soon she came forward but fell before she reached Karna. 
Karna quickly took the sword from the commander's hand and was about to cut her head when Draupadi shouted, "Arya stop." And Karna dropped the sword.
"Arya see her condition. Let her speak once." Draupadi said.
"But she is the one who killed Mata." Karna said angrily.
"Yes, I was the one because of which Mata got killed." Vaishali said with some effort.
Draupadi signalled a Dasi to bring some water. She gave Vaishali some water and said, " So you confess you killed Mata."
"Yes, if I wouldn't have gone for plucking Tamarind for Maharani, the horse rider wouldn't have killed Mata." Vaishali said still weak.
"What!" Draupadi said surprised "Tell clearly."
And hence Vaishali narrated her story, "Mata said to bring some Tamarind for Maharani from the nearby tree. When I went, I heard neighing of horses and a shout. I turned to look and saw that the horse rider killed Mata. I rushed towards them and thought that the horse rider will run away. But he stayed, came down the horse and said me to satisfy his desire. I tried to defend myself but all in vain. There was no one nearby not even the charioteer. I ran towards the city with the horse rider following me but saved myself. While coming back, some robbers got hold of me and did my this state."
Draupadi felt sympathy for her, and scolded herself for coming to conclusion so fast.
Karna asked, "What did the horse rider look like?"
Vaishali asked, " He had big blue eyes, rest of his face was masked."
Karna ordered his men to find this guy and said his minister to write a letter to King Dhritarashtra about this.
Vaishali saw the matter slipping from her hand so she said, " But Mata wouldn't have gone to Hastinapur if you wouldn't have done the act of Draupadi being pregnant. "
And that was enough for Karna to stop, think and break down.
He quickly went to his room with tears falling.
"Arya, stop." Draupadi said running behind him.
Karna locked himself inside and cried, blaming himself for his mother's death.
And Draupadi, knocking the door, crying and telling him to open the door.
After an hour, A new Karna emerged out of the room with regret visible on his face. Draupadi who was crying got up. They couldn't speak to each other anything. Draupadi was dieing to hear his voice. After a one minute silence Karna finally spoke, "I was the reason of Mata's Death. "
"No Arya. Please stop blaming yourself. You only wanted her happiness. " Draupadi said with a worried expression
"No Draupadi. I know deep down I was the reason why she got killed. " Karna said, his face expression less. "Hence, I need to repent. Hence, I am  going to exile forever. "
"Arya this was never your mistake. " Draupadi tried to explain.
"No Draupadi this is my final decision. " Karna said as he moved towards his study with Draupadi following him where his minister was writing replies to some letters.
"Kank, write a letter to Hastinapur asking them to take Anga under their control. " Karna continued. "Also write a letter to Panchal that Draupadi would be soon coming and make the messengers ready. "
"No need to send the letter to Panchal. I am going to exile with you. " Draupadi said sternly.
"But Panchali, it's too dangerous and I don't want you to have any hardships again." Karna said.
"But with you by my side every hardship is a bed of roses." Draupadi said.
And they both shared a eye lock.
Suddenly the minister interrupted, "the letter and messenger is ready your highness. "
Draupadi embarrassed went away. And Karna ordered to dispatch the letter as soon as possible.
Soon, Karna wore a simple orange dhoti and a sacred orange thread on his bare chest. And Draupadi removed all her jewellery and wore a simple orange cotton saree.
Soon they left for the exile secretly after receiving a confirmation letter from Hastinapur and a letter stating that the masked man would soon be found.
A new journey has started for them. Let's see how they get along.

Precap: "My son is facing hardships because of me." She cried.

Let's see guys what turn comes in the story.
I know it's like a tragedy but happy scenes are on the way

I apologise for any grammatical mistakes or spelling errors.

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