Chapter 18 - Accidental

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A servant looks here and there before moving towards a forbidden room in the palace.

He passes through several doors and corridor before reaching a lavish room with all the facilities anyone will ever need.

"She is back." the servant says to a lady dressed richly.

"Who? That Draupadi? They finally found her, after six years." the lady says while eating a grape, her back towards the servant.

"No, she is back as a Dasi in the palace. " the servant says looking nervous.

"What?" the lady laughs and says, "the great princess of Panchal and queen of Indraprastha working as a Dasi. Are you sure? " the lady asks.

"Cent percent. I myself saw her when she removed her veil. She remains veiled all the time. I am warning you this lady is smart. She will find out your truth in no time and do what even Karna couldn't. Don't you remember what she was trying to do last time? " the servant says.

"Oh yes, yes. But she couldn't, right? And the day she finds out my truth will never come. Because If she is Draupadi then I am also Vaishali. " the lady turns and reveals her face. "Find out her actual reason for coming here. Because the last I remember I had made such a bad impression of Karna on Draupadi that she won't even want to see his face. And yes about Draupadi and Karna coming closer, I will make sure it doesn't happen in even seven ages. " Vaishali said confidently, actually over confidently.

"But what if someone sees you? " the servant asks.

"So what? I will make sure that the tables turn. I become good and Karna becomes bad. Just you wait Karna. Your days of destruction have started and that too in front of your love. That's why I waited for her. I knew she will come back. Either you will get destroyed in front of her, or (evil smirk) get destroyed by her." Vaishali said as her cruel mind planned something evil again.

Palace corridor -

"You, Come here." A young dasi calls Draupadi.


"Why do you always keep yourself veiled?"

"Umm.. I... Have some disease. You will get afraid seeing my face. "

"At least tell your name? "

"Me.. I... My name?... I don't have a name."

"Oh Come on. Everyone has a name."

"You all can call me... Umm... "

"Krishnaa." Abhimanyu and Prativindhya shouted.

"Krishnaa?" the Dasi laughed.

"Yes, Krishnaa." Prativindhya said.

"And who are you both?" the Dasi asked.

"They are my sons." Draupadi said.

"Oh, so you are married. Where is your husband?" the Dasi asked.


"What is going on here? The officer from before intervened.

"We are sorry. " the Dasi said.

"Get to work, fast." he said "And you." he turned towards Draupadi "Take the food from there and give it to Samrat."

"Yes. " Draupadi said.

"And your kids can play there as I said earlier that day. Why do they always stick with you?" the officer said.

"I am sorry. It won't happen again."

"Hmm. Take the food and go. "

Draupadi's breath elevated. Means she has to face Karna again.

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