Chapter 23 Façade

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In the isolated part of Indraprastha, a shady looking town lied.

There were many houses there most in ruins but.

No one inhabited that town except one house.

That house was owned by the famous dacoit and don, Jagendra.

A young man who had a scarf on his face entered that house. 

Many other thieves and robbers were present inside who became quiet as that man entered.

They bowed to that man and soon one person who was of his own age came up to him and kept his hand on his shoulder and asked, "Nandu, where were you all these days? "

"Friend, I was busy finding myself a way to get in the royal palace."

"The royal palace. The only place we are forbidden to go. You were going there? "

"I think you've forgotten. I have got the job to kill the Samrat."

"Why are you giving him so much respect? " another thief shouted. "He is nothing but a son of a b*tch for us. "

"Nandu, but it shouldn't have taken this many days, right? " The guy asked.

"Yes, but when I was finding a job in the palace my heart was taken away by a beautiful Dasi." Nandu said dreamily.

All the others looked horrified.

We are forbidden to love. How can he do this? What will happen when Sardar comes to know about this? These whispers circulated among them.

"Nandu, I..... " the guy was about to speak when a loud and heavy voice was heard.

"What's going on here? " the voice roared bringing shiver run down the spines of everyone except one.

There was a pin drop silence as everyone bowed their head in respect.
The only sound that was heard was of Nandu's footsteps as he walked towards the man who was none other than Jagendra.

"Sardar. " Nandu kept his one knee on the ground and bowed to Jagendra while keeping his one hand which was closed in a fist on his chest.

Jagendra made him stand by holding him from his shoulders and lovingly asked, "Were you successful in your work? "

"I have got a job in the castle but couldn't meet or find Karna." Nandu said with a little hint of sadness.

"But the day isn't far when his head will be in your hands. " Nandu continued dangerously.

"I know you won't disappoint me. " Jagendra said with an amount of love that is rarely seen on his face.

"Sardar." The guy from before came near him and bowed.

"What? " Jagendra said rudely, all the love melting away from his face as he showed his usual ruthless appearance.

"Nandu is in love. " The guy said feebly.

"What? " Jagendra said surprised by the revelation.

"Nandu is it true? " Jagendra asked as he was not able to condemn what he heard.

"Yes Sardar. I don't know if it's love or not, but I..." Nandu tried explaining himself but was cut in between by Jagendra.

"Continue no further. " he said. "Before joining our group, you were asked it one thing, not to fall in love. Love is evil and poisonous, it destroys our abilities. But you have broken the only condition I had kep before you. Do you know it's punishment? " Jagendra said more dangerously.

Nandu was about to speak to when a female voice was beard at the door.

"Can I come in? " She asked with an alluring voice.

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