Chapter 1: The Parents Fight, the Kids Get Pancakes

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Something Jeongguk is very skilled at is being soundless. Whether it be to leave or arrive, sneaking up to someone or whatnot really makes no difference. Jeongguk can be as silent as an ant.

How he acquired such a peculiar ability is a question unanswered even to the skilled youth himself. He has been good at it for as long as memory allows him to remember. Which dates back to fifteen years ago when he was only eight years old, a year after he was adopted by his amazing parents. Jeongguk is far from curious however. As long as he can leave and come back without being noticed, who cares how he got such ability?

If his parents and elder brother were to learn about it, surely they would want to find out. But Jeongguk really, really doesn't want them to know.

Having this said ability, it makes things fairly easy for Jeongguk. It allows him to leave for work unnoticed, as well as it allows him to sneak back inside without alarming anyone.

Last night was no different. But as yesterday evening was unusually busy, Jeongguk feels much too tired to leave his bed yet. He decides to ignore the sunlight shining through the thin, blue curtains and lazily rolls around to face the wall instead. Not yet. Lemme sleep a lil' longer.


Bonk bonk! Bonk Bonk!

"Gguk, wake up!"

Jeongguk groans and covers his ears. I said not yet!

His elder brother, Yoongi, never forgets to wake his younger brother. Each and every morning again he would be knocking on that damned door until Jeongguk comes out of his room.

"Five minutes! Just five more minutes!"

"Not a chance, get up!"


"If you don't get up by yourself, I will come in and make you!"

"Fine, I'm up, I'm up!" Jeongguk is nearly screaming at this point, feeling uttermost frustrated as his lovely brother won't even let him sleep for a little longer.
Getting up, he quickly gets to the door and opens it, shooting Yoongi an angry look. "I'm up, so leave now!"

Jeongguk is not a morning person.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow upon being faced with his brother's bad temper. Jeongguk usually gets annoyed easily in the morning, but he rarely yells in his face like this.

"Dad's leaving soon, remember? Don't tell me you forgot again."

Oh, I did forget.

Their dad, Kim Namjoon, works as a teacher at a small high school for poor youth. He would have been a politician has he had the chance to study for it in his younger years. However, even though money did not allow him to study for a great future, Namjoon is still a clever individual who excels at advising and teaching politics. For this reason most people in their neighbourhood often like to avoid running into him. Why so? Because politics is a very sensitive subject. And anybody whose expertise is politics must be kept a close eye on by the higher-up's.

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