Chapter 21: Yeona Will Handle It!

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Fifteen minutes after Jeongguk ran away from Taehyung's study, Yeona arrives promptly with an angry scowl on her face. She just sits on the stool opposite of Taehyung and watches him, glaring holes into his person while he finishes his work in silence.

Truth be told, Taehyung feels extremely uncomfortable under her glare and feels kind of pressured. Yet he tries to bear with it bravely.

For another minute.

Another minute.

Three more seconds...

Baam, slamming the pen down with an open hand, Taehyung can no longer take it. He sighs in frustration and looks up, meeting eyes with the glaring princess before him, "what's the matter with you now, Yeona? Don't just sit there like that."

Yeona scoffs, "Jeonggukkie doesn't just hate you, he's disappointed in you! And here you are; doing nothing to make it up to him!"

Taehyung blinks in disbelief.

Were you also not in on this?

He dares not say it to Yeona's face. Instead he averts his gaze in order to escape her glare. "I know he's disappointed. But to run after him right now wouldn't solve anything."

"So he's truly the boy from the brothel you fell for, huh?" Yeona inquires.

Taehyung feels his cheeks heat up and his heart go faster. "He isn't from there anymore, he's a waiter now! A waiter."

Yeona nods, "right, he's become a waiter ages ago already."

The matter of Jeongguk's profession is far from important to the pair of cousins however. Yeona never cared about anybodies profession to begin with, having a fling with any pretty face whether they have money or not. Taehyung is a different kind of person though. He never actually thought he would ever even as much as tolerate someone of poor status. Yet here he is, liking an ex-courtesan.

Fate is a funny thing.

Taehyung nods, humming softly. "Right", he agrees, "Min... I mean, Kim Jeongguk, has been a waiter for a while now. He quite likes it there."

"Wipe off that smile, will ya?" Yeona scoffs, "did you forget already? You just ruined that boy's happiness!"

Right, Yeona's right.

Taehyung quickly composes himself and sits up straight. He picks up the pen again and plays with it as he thinks about their current situation.

Even though I fucked up, how was I supposed to know Min San and Kim Jeongguk are the same person?

"What are you thinking?" Yeona asks as she sees her cousin in deep thought. The anger in her tone has gone down significantly by now.

"Just that it wasn't intentional," Taehyung admits with a sigh. "Had I known..."

"Had you known, you wouldn't have taken him here?" Yeona finishes his sentence as Taehyung himself finds himself unable to.

Much to her surprise, Taehyung shakes his head. "I wouldn't have taken Kim Jeongguk here, but Min San."

Yeona says nothing to that.

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