Chapter 12: New Life New Roommate

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The remainder of the concert is no more than a vivid dream when Jeongguk wakes up the next day. Tired still, head pounding and throat sore; all proof Jeongguk has had the time of his life at the concert!

But the new day has arrived. Time to get up. Though, Jeongguk really rathers to sleep a little longer. Work at Crimson Heaven doesn't begin until late evening anyway, so why would he rush? No, much better to sleep a little longer and eat something outside the hotel later on. It isn't as if Jeongguk is running short on money at the moment anyway, he will make do just fine for another month or so until money will get tight.

Ah, right. Crimson Heaven is paying for my stay here right now. I should find another accommodation before Sunday. Jeongguk thinks to himself. This hotel is not a cheap one after all, he will need to find a less expensive place if he wants to stay in Seoul long-term. And a new job...

Jeongguk finally gets up after another hour of sleep. The time reads eleven now as he showers lazily and gets dressed comfortably. "What shall I do today? I probably shouldn't go find another job until Monday, so now what?"

Having made up his mind about quitting at Crimson Heaven has brought along restlessness. All of a sudden Jeongguk wants to get it all settled right now instead of having to wait until Monday. Even though there is a contract saying he should work three more days, Jeongguk no longer thinks it as important as he used to. And somehow, it feels weird. Once upon a time all Jeongguk deemed important was making money. The fact he sold his body for a good sum of money did never bother him. Or, he refused to let it bother him. But now that Jeongguk has regained himself, he finds himself shivering thinking about the fact he has to go back there later in the evening.

Maybe I shouldn't wait any longer.

And just like that Jeongguk makes up his mind and decides to just screw it all. "I'm not gonna do it anymore." Jeongguk gets his phone and calls up Mira, who picks up right away.

"San-ah, good morning. Is everything alright?"

Hearing the granny's voice warms up Jeongguk's heart. He smiles softly. "Granny, there is something I want to talk about with you. It's pretty important. Do you have time?"

"For you, always. Do you want to meet up for lunch later?"

"That sounds good!" Jeongguk agrees. He eyes the clock on the wall and hums, thinking. "Do you want to eat lunch in the hotel's restaurant? We could also go out to that cafe we went to last time. Their food's really good."

Mira chuckles softly on the other side of the line. "Whatever San-ah likes is fine. The cafe, then?"

"Alright. Are you at the hotel still? In that case we can go there together."

"I am. Let's say a quarter before twelve? Let's meet at the lobby."

"Perfect," Jeongguk agrees. "See you then!" He bids farewell.

"Bye, San-ah."

The line then breaks and Jeongguk sighs, suddenly feeling very nervous. Now that he has set the first step Jeongguk starts doubting his decision. But he quickly shakes his head before it can get to him. You made the right decision! He mentally scolds himself. Nodding, Jeongguk glances at his phone again. "Should I tell Jimin-ssi about this?" Whether he should or should not, Jeongguk is unsure.

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