Chapter 19: Yeona's Gift

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Alright, Jeongguk has to admit that the royal palace is magnificent.

It's like, very huge. But not in hight per se. The palace has a somewhat Western feel to it and is white of colour, having five floors excluding the ground and is rather grand in width.

On the territory in front of the palace stands a beautiful fountain made of marble, a gigantic marble lion sitting on the marble plateau in the middle. Water falls from the marble lilies surrounding the elegantly sitting lion.

It looks beautiful, and the sounds of water splashing is relatively calming.

Jeongguk tears his gaze away from the fountain after a while and looks into the distance, to where they had just come from.

This terrain is too big and it's surrounded by high walls, guarded by loads of imperial guards all day round. I'm actually locked in...

The young waiter can't help but feel overwhelmed by the entire situation. Why now is beyond him, all Jeongguk really wants is to just go back! To go back to his family. But Jeongguk knows that right now, it is not possible. He feels defeated.

Ji Dongwoo gives him a while to compose himself. After a total of ten minutes the emperor's servant finally gets moving and exits the car, walking up to Jeongguk's door to open it for him.

The younger gets startled and looks up at him with confused eyes. His expression one very easy to recognise as a question.

"We shall get moving," Ji Dongwoo tells him, "his majesty is expecting us."

Jeongguk's face contorts for a moment. Only for a short moment, as he is a professional at faking expressions. Jeongguk then sighs and clenches his fingers a little tighter around the silver engagement ring in his hand. Oh how against this entire situation he is! But what can one little waiter do? Nothing. Jeongguk has to suck it up.

Which he does.

"Fine. Let's go." Jeongguk says, although rather quietly. He then exits the limousine and glances at the two imperial guards following their steps. Truly unable to not give it any reaction, Jeongguk scoffs, but doesn't pay it any more attention. He just follows Ji Dongwoo to the doors of the palace that are being opened by another pair of guards. They bow their heads in respect the moment Ji Dongwoo and Jeongguk himself enter the building.

The latter feels disgusted.

Once inside, Jeongguk's eyes roam around the spacious hall. There are two flights of stairs on either side of another rather big door right across the entrance. Both stairs meet at the same level where another low yet wide set of stairs leads further upstairs. Downstairs, there's a door left and right as well. The colours in this hall are rather bright and although it sounds like a hall from oldentimes palaces, this one is actually very modern. Like a modern fairytale.

Ji Dongwoo leads Jeongguk up the stairs and to the left where they enter a corridor. They walk for a while until they reach another door that leads to a staircase. They walk further upstairs to the third floor.

"Where are you taking me to?" Jeongguk is curious. He could no longer keep quiet.

Ji Dongwoo answers his question, "to your room."

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