Chapter 25: Brotherly Surprise

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Jeongguk has never been overly fond of running. Running is something that tires one out too quickly and all that's left is a heavy breath and sweat all over. For that reason, Jeongguk would much rather not run if he has no reason to.

Who thought that same boy who despised running for no good reason would run across the vast land of the imperial palace just to get to the outer gates?

Now, that probably is not all that surprising, given that Jeongguk hates staying cooped up inside the too big imperial palace. But who cares about the facts now? The only thing that matters is that Jeongguk will be out for six hours! Really, nothing else is more important right now.

Jeongguk and Yeona race to the outer gates and arrive at the same time. Which surprises Jeongguk a little, if he must be honest.

Yeona wipes away the sweat on her forehead and tries to calm her breathing and her heartbeat. She then ties her long hair together in a ponytail. "So," she says, voice still affected by her heavy breathing, "how are you feeling, Jeonggukkie?"

Jeongguk is in no better shape than the imperial princess. Although he doesn't sweat as quickly as other people do, does he still feel very hot. "Fine." He answers.

Unable to not laugh, Yeona wheezes as she takes note of the younger's situation. "You look beat, silly. Sure all you did was run? You look like you've fallen a few times."

Scoffing at the princess's words, Jeongguk rolls his eyes. "You look no better yourself!"

To that, all Yeona can do is laugh. She cares little about the accusatory tone in the younger's voice and deems the offended look on his face cute. Yeona can't just not pay attention to it and steps closer to Jeongguk to pinch his cheeks. "You're such a cutie!" She says in the sweetest voice Jeongguk has ever heard. It flusters him big time and a blush appears in his cheeks.

Pushing away the woman's touchy hands, "I, I'm no child..."

Yeona chuckles in amusement but says nothing more about it. She steps away from the younger and turns to face the third person who, unlike the two of them, had refused to run along.

Seojun is still quite a distance away from the outer gates and when the imperial princess takes note of it, she scoffs half annoyedly. "Yah, Kang Seojun!" She yells across the land, "what's this laziness!?"

The handsome addition refuses to reply and only sighs. It takes him five minutes to join Jeongguk and Yeona. Which actually is quite an achievement. The latter does not quite care about that of course, and she pinches Seojun's arm once he has finally arrived.

"Ouch!" Seojun hisses in pain.

"You lazy worm! Which part of "race you there" did you not understand!?"

The princess is merciless as she pinches and Seojun dares not pull free.

"How could I know I was included!?"

"Petty excuse! Bad habits should be worked on!"

The sight of a rather small and vicious woman practically abusing a tall street thug is quite funny to Jeongguk. Especially because of how high Seojun's voice gets whenever a pinch stings especially mean.

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