Chapter 13: Immediate Brotherhood

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"I was just making coffee. Would you like a cup, too? We can get to know each other better over coffee and a yummy treat." Jimin proposes.

Jeongguk nods with a smile. "That sounds good. I'll get rid of my bag first." The youth cannot help but feel overwhelmed in the idol's presence. Just a few weeks ago this young man became the turning point of his life and now they are roommates, how unexpected!

Please don't notice I'm nervous!

Jimin hums in agreement, nodding. His golden bangs jumping along with the gesture. "That's alright. I'll make you some coffee in the meantime."

"Thank you." Jeongguk says, and walks off. He tries really hard to not be obvious as he dazedly and excitedly leaves the kitchen and walks a little faster once he is sure he is no longer in Jimin's eyesight. Quick, quick, quick! Jeongguk thinks to himself and manages to close his door gently despite his shaky hands.

It isn't that Jeongguk is like this because Jimin is his idol. It has only been a few weeks after all. But Jimin is the person who, albeit unknowingly, helped Jeongguk escape from a world that would have ruined him in the long run. And Jeongguk never expected to run into this person in real life. So how could he not be completely dumbfounded to find out he has accidentally moved in with Park Jimin!?

"Granny said he's her friend's grandson, and Park Jimin called Granny his "aunty". Does that... does that make us acquainted in some way?" Jeongguk whispers to no one special, trying to clear his head and calm his nerves. "Come on, Gguk," he motivates himself, "he's just a human too. His grandmother is really kind too, she said you can come to her for anything anytime, you're okay." Just like that Jeongguk manages to calm his racing heartbeat. He leaves his bag behind and exits his room, going back to the kitchen where Jimin has finished making coffee and took out cookies by now.

"All set?" The blonde asks. "Did I startle you?"

"Ah?" Jeongguk fails to hide his surprise this time. He feels his cheeks warming up in embarrassment and scratches his neck. "You, you noticed?" He asks.

Chuckling, "my apologies. Aunty already told me you're a shy person. She wasn't sure if you know who I am, so she was a little worried."

Jeongguk abruptly remembers what Mira told him before she left: "you will be fine Jeongguk-ah. My friend's grandson is a kind guy, he'll look after you. Don't be scared."

Jeongguk had thought that last sentence was a little strange. But it seems there was a good reason for it. Granny definitely knew the concert I was talking about was Park Jimin's.

"What more did Granny say about me?" Although he loves her very much, Jeongguk can't help but be a little worried about the things she might have told Jimin out of her familial worry for Jeongguk. Not that she would have said anything about what he did during the past three years. But even if she did, then it means Jimin already knew at least something about Mira's life.

Jimin smiles seeing the suspicion and concern on the younger's face. "Let's sit down first. Talking like this is so uncomfortable."

Oh... he's right. Jeongguk realises. He nods silently and takes a seat.

Jimin nods approvingly and then takes a seat himself.

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