Chapter 18: No Way Out

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This is crazy! I expected the emperor to do something, but this? I didn't think he'd go this far!

Jeongguk's mind is in pure turmoil. He feels nauseous and dizzy and just stands there frozen for a long while, eyes locked onto the beautiful silver ring as though that small object could threaten his life.

Now of course in a way that is the undeniable truth. But who would dare say that to his face?

Ji Dongwoo notices the younger's troubled expression. And thus he reminds Jeongguk once again: "Please accept his majesty's sincere apology, Your Highness."

Jeongguk's face turns green, then sheet white, followed by red before finally turning green again.

Accept his sincere apology my ass! Who's sincerely apologising? That disgusting piece of royal shit is obviously trapping me in a corner!

Despite cursing at the emperor in his mind does Jeongguk not dare say any of it aloud. Neither does he open his mouth at all. Jeongguk just stands there, panic written all over his face as he comes to the conclusion there is no way out of this nightmare. Because if he doesn't accept the ring now, it will only seem like he is still mad at his "fiancé". Jeongguk cannot possibly voice the truth with all those imperial guards stationed outside Happy Sweet. He truly has been cornered...

Coming to this conclusion calms him down. Which Jeongguk himself finds strange, but he decides not to dwell on it too much. He understands he can only play along and accept the engagement ring. Ji Dongwoo has publicly recognised him as the emperor's soon-to-be today, so that means there already is no way out. Jeongguk's future has already been written in the stars!

I will make you regret this, dumbshit. Just you wait!

With that promise settled in his heart, the last traces of panic, disgust and anger fade from his being. In its place comes an expression that is seriously rare for Jeongguk: arrogance.

Yes. Someone like Jeongguk knows how to play arrogant.

His eyes show nothing but arrogance and displeasure as he composes himself, scoffing in annoyance as he lays down what he was holding. He then focuses himself on Ji Dongwoo solely, ignoring everyone else. It takes a lot of effort to do so. "Must I forgive just because one is sincere?" Jeongguk's voice is thick of disgust. It sounds quite petty even, reminding Ji Dongwoo of a certain princess.

Jeongguk's eyes glance towards the imperial guards for no longer than a second before returning to Ji Dongwoo. He continues angrily: "Is this how his majesty shows his sincerity? By sending so many imperial guards to accompany you? Tsk! Does his majesty wish to apologise or to kidnap me? Because I can't quite tell!"

Ji Dongwoo notices at once Jeongguk is trying to complicate things for him. But he wouldn't be the emperor's most trusted servant if he was unable to manage a situation like this. And thus the servant plays along, softening his stern expression to a coy smile and taking on a somehwat less tense posture. "Your Highness is his majesty's most important person after all, he was worried Your Highness would be in trouble and asked me to bring a couple of imperial guards with me."

The customers are very excited to hear all of these things. Fully believing that their pretty waiter is the emperor's fiancé by now. They raise their smartphones a little higher to get a better shot of Jeongguk's face, already imagining the love story of their emperor and this pretty boy.

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