💗Sleep (Remxiety Pt.1)

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Remy x Virgil*

(EDITED by KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.) 

It was 1:30 am and Thomas could NOT sleep.

He looked over at the end of his bed and saw Virgil and Remy talking.

"Guys, I have recording to do tomorrow!" Thomas complained while sitting up and looking at them.

"Oh. That's sad." Virgil replied as he continued to scroll though Tumbler.

"Alexa, play Despacito." Remy said making the Alexa play said song.

"Uuuuuuuuggggghhhh." Thomas groaned as he shoved his pillows on top of his head.

*One hour later*

"Virgil, Remy you need to let Thomas sleep now. He is very busy tomorrow and needs sleep." Logan said as he sunk into Thomas room making Thomas cheered.

"Yes! Listen to him! Please! I need to sleep!" Thomas exclaimed as best he could while being exhausted.

*sigh* "Fine, come on Remy." Virgil said while grabbing Remy's hand and sinking him out. Thomas falling asleep instantly.

"Aww, why do you spoil my fun?" Remy asked as he entered Virgil's room with him.

"Because I need sleep too, well that's what everyone says anyway." Virgil replied while collapsing onto his bed.

The anxiety in Virgil's room doesn't affect Remy because Remy is not a side.

"Oh... yah I guess so. So do you want to sleep instantly or wait a while?" Remy asked, he controlled when everyone slept unless they went against him and that took a lot of effort.

"Um... what would be better for Thomas?" Virgil asked as he snapped his fingers, instantly removing his makeup and changing him into his Jack Skelton Onesie.

"Instantly would be best for him." Remy stated as he snapped his fingers, causing him to also be in his pajamas.

"So what are you going to do?" Virgil asked while attempting to get comfortable.

"Well I will have to sleep next to you for you to go to sleep instantly, but if you don't want me to then I can sleep next to you in a chair. It will take longer to get you asleep that way though." Remy explained while pulling up a chair just incase.

"Oh... um... ok." Virgil replied while curling up into a little ball and shutting his eyes.

Remy smiled slightly at how cute Virgil was and then slid into the bed next to him.

Virgil fell asleep fully instantly, just as promised.

Throughout the night Remy stayed awake, he didn't really sleep considering he was sleep. All was fine until Virgil moved closer to him and started cuddling him.

He froze, then Virgil started whining so he carefully placed an arm around Virgil's back.

Virgil snuggled closer to him and stopped whining.

"This is going to take so much explaining in the morning..." Remy said under his breath.

And that was very true, he would have to explain a lot in the morning...

469 Words!

🏳️‍🌈Gay Oneshots pt.2🏳️‍🌈(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now