❤️‍🔥/💗Touch (Steddie)

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This was inspired by a oneshot I read by someone else forever ago but I can't rember who wrote it or what the ship even was😭

⚠️Touch deprived boys, smut, grinding, cussing, praise kink, slight degrading, s-slur⚠️

Non-vampire Eddie(sorry) & Vecna is dead along w/ all of the bs that happened w/ him
Steve and Eddie have been dating for a while now. They started dating after the whole world almost ending thing, both of them almost dieing snapped some sense into them and made them realise that they should do what makes them happy and not to give a flying fuck about what society thinks.

So now the two were sitting in Steve's bedroom alone, the radio playing some mix-tape Eddie made as the two cuddled.

"You need to get closer to me." Eddie whined as he pulled Steve closer to himself before laying completely on top of him.

"You're laying on top of me love, I don't think you can get any closer to me then this." Steve mused as he wrapped his arms around Eddie's back.

"But I need you to be closer." Eddie whined as he pressed his body down so he was completely flush with Steve.

"The only way we could be closer is if one of us was inside the other and I don't see that happening any time soon considering we just got together a few days ago." Steve commented as he sat them both up so Eddie was now sitting in his lap.

"But I need to be closer to you, I need you to touch me. We don't have to fuck but I need your touch." Eddie said as he grabbed Steve's hands and moved them so they were on his waist.

"Please." Eddie pleaded before wrapping his arms tightly around Steve's torso, his legs straddling Steve.

"Fuck Eddie." Steve breathed out, now turned on. Eddie could always turn him on so easily and it drove him insane.

Eddie whined in responce as his hips began to rock forward, his head barried in the crook of Steve's neck.

Steve's hands moved up and down Eddie's body before taking their shirts off, instantly putting his hands back onto Eddie's now bare upper half.

"Mmm, your so pretty baby." Steve hummed as he grabbed onto Eddie's hips, helping him move back and fourth.

Eddie let out a whimper like moan at the small praise before pulling Steve into a deep kiss.

"I love you." They said at the same time when they pulled apart making them both smile.

"Are we close enough for you now?" Steve asked when Eddie moved his head down to start kissing Steve's neck.

"I think we could be a little closer, or you could be a little more aggressive." Eddie mumbled out inbetween kisses.

"More aggressive? Mmm okay." Steve thought aloud.

Before Eddie could say anything Steve's grip on his hips tightened, his fingers digging deep into his skin; there would definitely be a bruise tomorrow.

He began moving Eddie's hips a lot faster then before, pushing him down so they both received more pressure and pleasure.

"How's this for aggressive? I can do more if you want." Steve asked, nipping at Eddie's earlobe, his sadist side showing a little more then he was expecting.

"T-this is good~" Eddie stuttered out through moans. He's never had anyone grip his hips so tightly before nor has he ever had anyone grind so aggressively against him.

His mind was a mess at the pleasure and he loved it.

"Okay love~" Steve hummed before kissing right under Eddie's ear, down his jaw to his neck.

The soft kisses quickly turned into hickeys when he hit Eddie's weak spot.

Eddie's moans only encouraged him to keep going so he began moving his own hips along with Eddie's.

"Fuck~ Steve I'm close!" Eddie warned as he moved his own hips faster.

"Your going to cum in your pants like a little slut? Go ahead, mess your sweatpants up. Cum." Steve said directly into Eddie's ear sending shivers down Eddie's spine.

He came quickly after Steve told him to, his body shaking from his orgasem as Steve kept grinding up against him.

"Oh fuck." Steve moaned out as he too came, the sight of Eddie reaching his climax sent him into his own.


Once they both calmed down from their highs Eddie slumped up against Steve's chest.

"We need to take showers and burn these pants." Steve said as he lazily wrapped his arms around Eddie's back again.

"And you called me the slut for cumming in my pants, your such a hypocrite." Eddie mumbled against Steve's shoulder.

"Oh shut up." Steve laughed before standing up with Eddie in his arms.

He carried him to the bathroom and turned on the shower before setting Eddie down on the sink counter.

"Do you want to take separate showers or do you want to take one together?" Steve asked Eddie as Eddie swung his feet back and fourth.

"Together." Eddie replied knowing that Steve would baby him in the shower so he wouldn't have to do much of anything other then stand there.

Whenever the two did anything sexual, Steve loved to pamper him. He would always help him in the shower or bath, he would carry him everywhere, he would get him any food or drinks he wanted. Overall he really took after care to the next level.

"Okay baby." Steve smiled as he took his pants and boxers off before taking Eddie's pants and boxes off as well.

Now that they were both naked, Steve picked Eddie up again and brought them both into the shower.

He put him down so they were both standing before grabbing the shower head and using it to rinse Eddie's long hair.

He loved washing Eddie's hair, well he just loved Eddie's hair in general.

Next Steve grabbed his fancy shampoo and put in into Eddie's hair, making sure that he ran his fingers through all of it.

Eddie relaxed into Steve's hands and shut his eyes as he allowed his lover to take care of him.


The shower continued as it normally would before they got out and got dressed into some clean clothes.

"We'll burn those tomorrow." Steve said, talking about their boxers from earlier.

"M'kay." Eddie mumbled as he cuddled closer to Steve's chest now that Steve was carring him bridal style.

Steve moved them back to the bed where they laid down, Eddie back on top of Steve once again.

"We should be closer then this." Eddie commented as he moved so his head was nuzzled in the crook of Steve's neck again.

"Not again." Steve laughed as he pulled Eddie closer to himself once again...
1,131 Words! I haven't proof read this but I'm pretty sure it's shit, sorry yall.

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