💗/❤️‍🔥Sleepovers (Rociet)

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Human AU* (Side Virgil x Remus and Logicality) 

*Everyone is in high school*

⚠️Semi mature content, suggested stuff, and slight cussing⚠️

(EDITED by @KbaeStar)

(3rd pov.)

It was Friday night and Patton, Logan, Janus, and Virgil where all over at Roman and Remus's house for a sleepover.

Currently everyone was in Roman's room, in the floor, in a circle. They where just starting to play a game of truth or dare.

"Who is going to go first?" Patton asked while leaning up against his boyfriend Logan's side.

"I'll ask someone first!" Remus said happily.

After a moment of thought he asked "Hey, Logan. Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Logan replied after weighing the pros and cons in his head.

"I dare you to let Patton sit in your lap." Remus said, he was being nice. For now.

Patton just giggled and sat down in Logan's lap as Logan wrapped his arms around him out of reflex.

"Truth or dare Roman?" Logan asked as Patton cuddled into his chest, making him blush slightly.

"Dare! I'm not a wimp!" Roman replied while puffing his chest out to add extra effect.

"Alright, I dare you to tell us if your crush is in this room. Well that is if you have a crush." Logan stated making Roman's chest fall and his face become red quickly.

"Um... yes they are in here." Roman replied, normally he would just lie but they had Janus with them and he could tell if anyone was lying very easily.

"Truth or dare Virgil?" Roman asked before anyone could say anything about his crush.

"Truth." Virgil replied while putting his phone away.

"Is it true that you fancy my brother?" Roman asked making Virgil's cheeks instantly turn crimson.

"Wha- pfff no." Virgil replied, clearly lying. He then attempted to disappear into his hoodie but was stopped by Remus hugging him.

"The feelings are mutual." Remus said with a wink, making Virgil blush more.

"Truth or dare Janus?" Virgil asked. He knew about Janus's crush on Roman and Roman's crush on Janus so he was about to make them have some fun.

"Dare." Janus replied, instantly regretting it when he saw the evil glint in Virgil's eyes.

"I dare you to do a strip tease for Roman." Virgil said with an evil smirk.

The side of Janus's face that wasn't burnt blushed brightly. Roman was blushing a deep pink.

Logan horridly covered Patton's eyes and then his own. While Remus turned on some music and Virgil doubled over in laughter.

"I hate you." Janus hissed as he stood up infront of Roman.

"Is he aloud to cover his eyes?" Janus asked, hooping that the answer would be yes.

"Well yes but then he would have to use his other senses to enjoy it~" Remus answered as Virgil started crying of quiet laughter.

Janus quickly looked over at Roman "Keep your eyes open and hands off the merchandise." He said making Roman chuckle.

"Alright." Roman said, he was acting cocky on the outside but on the inside he was freaking out.

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