💔/💗Favoritism (Blyer)

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This one is going to be a roller coaster of emotions so I'm warning you now!

This is also inspired by a tiktok I saw by @noodles_and_tea so go and follow them if you have tiktok! (But it's merged w/ a dream I had last night as well)

⚠️Cussing, crying, yelling, betrail, Vecna⚠️
There are more triggers but it will give away too much of the story so READ WITH CAUTION!!!
Everyone was at Hawkins highschool for a Halloween party, everyone was dressed up in costume and looked like they were having fun... well everyone but Mike.

"Max, what's happening? Isn't Hawkins being destroyed right now?" Mike asked when he saw the redhead dressed as a stator girl.

"I don't know, I'm just rolling with it." Max replied with a laugh before rolling off on her skateboard, people moving out of the way for her.

"Wh-" Mike began to question when he felt someone tug at his sleve.

"Hey Mike." Will asked making Mike look down at him.

"Yeah Will?" He asked, all previous thoughts lost.

"I don't know what's happening and I'm scared, my neck hurts and the pains only spreading to the rest of my body. Can I stay with you please?" Will asked, it looked like he was holding back tears and that broke Mike's heart.

"Of course you can stay with me, though I don't know what's happening either." Mike answered as he began to move his free hand to cup Will's face, only to have it be held by another person.

"I see you boys have decided to fratenise with out us!" Dustin said as he linked his hand with Mike's.

"We're wounded!" Lucas added as he held onto Will's hand, Mike and Will holding each others other hands.

"Oh, um sorry guys. I didn't see you earlier." Will appoligised as an embarrassed blush crossed his face.

Dustin and Lucas were dressed as Ghostbusters again, confusing the other two. Why would they dress as the same thing again?

"It's okay, we were only going to say hello before going to Eddie." Dusin said with a smile before letting go of Mike's hand and instead grabbing Lucas's hand before they both walked off to where they assumed Eddie was.

"Isn't the dude named Eddie dead?" Will asked making tears prick at Mike's eyes.

"Y-yeah, they said he was dead so I don't know where their going." Mike answered before adding, "I saw Max here too, wasn't she in a coma?"

Before Will could respond, he was snatched away from Mike by an aggressive force.

The whole party changed to focus mostly on one person... well can you even call him a person anymore?

It was Vecna, the glow of the room was now red and the only people Mike could see was Vecna and the people he was holding.

"Let Will go!" Mike yelled at the evil red thing that was once human.

"M-mike" Will choked out as Vecna's vines wrapped themselves around his throat and body.

"Don't you fucking dare hurt him! Let him go you bitch!" Mike yelled before grabbing a chair and hitting Vecna with it.

The chair shattered before it could even reach him.

"Will? Don't hurt Will? Oh Mike... you have some explaining to do." Vecna laughed before shoving Jane in his face.

"What about her? Your girlfriend! You're just going to leave her to die?" Vecan asked as he tightened the vines around her neck as well making her have to gasp for air.

🏳️‍🌈Gay Oneshots pt.2🏳️‍🌈(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now