💗Sleep (Remxiety Pt.2)

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Here you go KbaeStar & CupofTae199 💖 

*Remy x Virgil*

(EDITED by @KbaeStar)

(3rd pov.) 

And that was very true, he would have to explain a lot in the morning...

Around nine thirty Virgil started to wake up.

Last night was easily the best sleep he had ever had. He was comfortable, warm, and felt safe.

He cuddled closer to the warmth not expecting for it to wrap and arm around him.

He attempted to jump off of the thing but was pulled back into their chest and had a hand run through his hair.

"Calm down babe, it's just me." Remy said making Virgil confused but relax.

Then the events of last night came flooding back and he blushed.

"Sorry for cuddling you in my sleep. That was probably really annoying. You could have gotten up and left, I would have been fine. Sorry." The anxious trait said, his eyeshadow appearing and  darkening instantly.

"Calm down, I don't mind." Remy said in a soothing tone as he rubbed soothing circles on Virgil's back.

Virgil sighed, not believing him fully thanks to the annoying voices in his head. Before he could allow the voices to bother him more Remy pulled Virgil closer to himself and gently moved Virgil's head so it was laying on his chest.

"It's Saturday. While Logan has Thomas busy doing whatever he is doing do you want to watch some movies? Logan would call you if he needs you." Remus asked making Virgil thing about it.

"Could the movies be by Tim Burton?" Virgil asked after a minute.

"Oh course, those are the best ones." Remy said as he summoned himself and Virgil some coffee.

Virgil turned on Coraline before Remy handed him his coffee.

Virgil thanked him and basically chugged the beverage before setting the now almost empty cup down onto his bed stand.

When he sat back up he was pulled into Remy's chest.

"Someone is cuddly this morning." Virgil teased he cuddled up to Remy more.

"Way to out yourself there." Remy said back as he ran his fingers through Virgil's short purple locks.

"I'm fine with not cuddling, your the one who pulled me towards you." Virgil said back as he slightly tightened his grip on Remy, showing the he really didn't mind the cuddling.

"Hush or you'll miss the movie." Remy said knowing that he had lost making Virgil smile in victory.

They continued to cuddle and watch Tim Burton movies, only stopping shortly to get lunch and dinner.

When it was night time Remy left to put everyone to sleep before coming back to Virgil's room.

"Do you want to go to sleep instantly or wait a while?" Remy asked as he sat down on the chair.

"Whatever is better for Thomas." Virgil replied as he hugged his stuffed bear to his chest.

"Because he only got to sleep at four yesterday instantly would probably be best." Remy replied as he internationally "aww"ed at the adorable anxious bean.

"Okay." Virgil said with a kitten yawn, covering his mouth with his sweater paws.

"F*ck." Remy said confusing Virgil.

"What's wrong? Are you ok?" Virgil asked with an adorable head tilt.

"Yeah, I'm fine babe but could you cool it with the adorable overload? Your going to send me into a gay panic." Remy said making Virgil blush.

"I'm not adorable, I'm scary." Virgil pouted as Remy moved to sit beside Virgil on the bed.

"You are the most adorable thing ever ok? Now you need sleep so Thomas can function tomorrow." Remy said making Virgil blush more.

So Virgil reluctantly agreed and as promised Remy made him fall asleep instantly.

Throughout the night Virgil ended up cuddling Remy again but instead of freezing Remy wrapped his arms around the slightly smaller side and pulled him closer.

Over the next couple of days they continued a similar schedule. But no matter what happened during the day Virgil and Remy would end up cuddled up at night.

Eventually Remy asked Virgil out to be his boyfriend and Virgil said yes.

Ever since then you could find them cuddling any time they had free, and at night they would fall asleep cuddled together as well.

Everyone thought they where adorable and didn't question it at all.

Oh and Remy was able to make them fall asleep instantly, he may have just said what he did to cuddle with Virgil...

735 Words! I am so sorry for not having updated in forever. I have been really busy with my other books!

Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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