💗Scared (Blyer)

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FLUFF BC I WANT SOME IN MY LIFE⚠️Cussing, crying-ish⚠️************************************

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⚠️Cussing, crying-ish⚠️

Everyone was finally rejoined once again! Eddie was introduced to everyone and was given a rundown talk by Hopper about messing with any of his kids, including Steve.

Hopper could sense the tension between the two and wanted to make sure that his boy wasn't going to get his heart broken.

After introductions though, they all saw the dark red, grey and black sky; quickly changing the mood from joyful to one of panic and distraught.

"No, nope, fuck this. We're dealing with this absolute bullshit later. We're going to my place and Will, your getting headphones and a Walkman so welcome to the club with Max." Steve said right once he saw the sky.

Some debate between him and the others occurred but he was not budging on his plan so they all moved into the vehicles and went to Steve's house.

Once they reached the house, Steve was quick to unlock the door and alow everyone inside.

They all dispursed in the house, small groups forming and staying together in their own space as they all tried to calm their racing minds.

Max, Lucas, and Jane went into a room together to talk about how fucking scary Max almost being taken by Vecna was and how happy they were that Max was safe.

Steve, Eddie, Robin, Nancy, Johnathan, Argyle and Dustin all stayed in the living room to catch up on everything that's happened.

-(Steve and Eddie were cuddled together, Robin and Nancy were cuddling, Johnathan was resting against Argyle's shoulder, and Dustin was sitting in a large comfy chair with a fluffy pillow in his lap.)-

Murry, Hopper, Enzo, and Joyce were all in the dining room together. Joyce was embraced in a hug with Hopper, still not being able to believe that he was still alive and no longer in immediate danger while Enzo was talking with Murry in Russin about who knows what.

And finally, Mike and Will were in a bedroom together.

The moment they got into the house, Mike grabbed onto Will's hand and pulled him into the closets bedroom he could find that wasn't Steve's.

They walked into the room together and Mike turned to shut the door, only to leave it three inches open out of instinct.

"Are you okay? Do you still feel him?" Mike asked as he turned his attention to Will who had moved to sit onto the bed.

"Yeah I can, he's wounded badly and he's beyond pissed. It's like I can hear him, it's like he's screaming directly into my brain." Will answered truthfully as his eyes brimmed with tears, he had been trying so hard to not let any more tears slip. He didn't want to be seen as weak anymore but the evils were too strong.

"Fuck, give me one second, I'll be right back!" Mike said quickly before running out of the room.

Only a minute had passed before he was back into the room, panting now but he had something in his hands.

"Here, this should help." Mike said as he walked over to Will.

He gently placed the headphones on Will's head before pressing play on the Walkman.

The caset Johnathan had made Will began playing.

Will smiled at the familiar songs as he looked up at Mike.

Mike smiled back down at him before bringing his hand up to wipe away a stray tear that had fallen while he was out getting the Walkman.

A blush arose on Will's face when Mike kept his hand cupping his face instead of pulling away.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this Hell but I'm going to try my best to keep you safe." Mike stated as he looked deep into Will's eyes, trying his best to make it obvious that he was telling the truth and ment every word he was saying.

"Thank you." Will's blush darkened at Mike's words.

"Of course, it's my job as your knight in shining armor." Mike said as they moved so they were now laying next to each other on the bed.

"But the painting was from El?" Will mumbled sounding confused as he tried to keep the act up.

"I know it was from you, she told me about the painting in a letter before. She said you wouldn't tell her anything about it and that she thought it was for a crush of yours." Mike said, making sure to keep his voice gentle as he spoke so Will knew he wasn't upset or uncomfortable.

"I-" Will began only to cut himself off, not being able to think of anything else to say in the moment.

"Friends don't lie Will." Mike hummed as he moved closer to the boy, so close that they could now feel each other's breath on their lips.

Mike reached over slightly and turned the volume of the Walkman down some to Will would be able to hear him better but still hear the music.

"Okay, your my night in shining armor. Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe." Will said as he used a sudden burst of confidence to move so he was cuddled against Mike's side, nuzzling his head into the crook of Mike's neck.

Mike smiled as he moved his arm to rest in Will's hair, Will's hand moving to play with the split ends of Mike's hair as well.

"I'll always protect you, I won't let him get you. I'm staying right here." Mike stated as he rest his head against Will's.

"Yeah?" Will asked as he closed his eyes, finding it impossible to not fully relax in the moment.

"Yeah." Mike answered as he too shut his eyes, allowing his body to relax.

They knew that tomorrow would be Hell and their future was uncertain so they were both relishing in the moment while it lasted

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They knew that tomorrow would be Hell and their future was uncertain so they were both relishing in the moment while it lasted.

The two soon fell asleep, feeling at peace in each others arms.


The rest of the house eventually found a bedroom and went to sleep as well, couples and/or best friends sharing beds so there would be enough for everyone.

-(couples/friends include: Nancy & Robin, Johnathan & Argyle, Steve & Eddie, El & Max, Lucas & Dustin, Hopper & Joyce, and Mike & Will)-

Tomorrow is unpredictable, make sure to take today for granted.

1,058 Words! Sorry this sucked😭

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