💗Hi Dear~ (Lociet)

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EDITED by @KbaeStar)


(3rd pov.) 

Logan was in the Imagination one day, sitting under a tree trying to read a new book when all of a sudden Janus and Remus came up to him.

Janus came right beside him, pulled his hat down over his face (only showing his eyes) "Hi Dear~" he purred making Logan blush.

"What do you want? Logan asked, clearly flustered.

"So easy to fluster now aren't we?" Remus stated while walking away, laughing and letting Janus have his fun.

"W- no I'm not." Logan replied, his blush and Janus's eye glowing giving him away.

"Whatever, what do you want?" Logan asked, his blush finally calming down.

"I just want to talk, we never do that anymore." Janus stated, his eye glowing at the end.

"We talk all of the time, but if you would like to talk then I will listen. Reply if necessary." Logan commented, his blush gone.

"Well I was going to talk about how we should get together and how you would do so much better as a dark side." Janus hummed while leaning up against Logan's side, his eye once again lighting up at the very end.

"Umm, what? I would be a terrible dark side and I would never trade sides." Logan stated because he couldn't see Janus's eye.

Janus smirked and turned so Logan could see his eye. "You would make an amazing dark side. *His eye glowed* and I you didn't say anything about us getting together." Janus stated, eyes staying normal.

Logan blushed (again) and averted his eyes back to his book. "I am assuming your eye lit up earlier when you said that I should be your boyfriend and a dark side." Logan asked, still not looking up from the book.

"It only lit up when I said that you should become a dark side." Janus stated while lifting Logan's head, letting him see that his eye wouldn't/didn't light up throughout the sentence.

They where extremely close to each other. Logan could feel Janus's breath on his lips and he was a blushing mess. You see, he could normally hide his emotions but when it came to Janus, it was quite hard.

"May I?" Janus asked while looking down at Logan's lips causing Logan to nod slightly and them both kiss.

The kiss was sweet and almost a little shy but perfect for them. Well that was until Remus came over and started throwing pebbles at them and yelling "Too much PDA!!!" Causing them to pull apart.

"This is nothing compared to what you and Virgil do." Janus snapped back while Logan just stood there blushing madly.

"All Virgil and I do is kiss and cuddle!" Remus defended, Janus's eye did not go off.

"Still, what we did was a sweet little kiss not a crazy kiss." Janus replied.

Remus rolled his eyes and went back into the mind palace to go and cuddle with Virgil now that they had more or less gotten together.

"So would you like to be my boyfriend?" Janus asked, now turning back to Logan.

"Of course, do you think that I just let people kiss me out of the blue?" Logan asked. He didnt sound offended, just  curious.

"Of course not." Janus said with a smile. He then kissed Logan's cheek and they both went back inside to cuddle.

558 Words! Yay this one was a little longer, I think... idk I didn't check them and it has been a while since I posted something so I am very sorry about that! Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night!!! 😁💖💖💖

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