💗Touch Starved(Inosuke x Tanjiro)

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⚠️Cussing, touch starved boys, yelling, talk of past abandonment⚠️
Tanjiro and Inosuke had left Shinobu Kocho's place to go and train in the forest while Zenitsu stayed behind to rest and from his previous wounds from their last fight.

Tanjiro left Nezuko behind with him as well, deciding that it was safe enough for him to do so, plus she could cheer Zenitsu up when he wakes us and finds out Inosuke and himself weren't there anymore.

"Hey Gonpanjo, where are we going to train?" Inosuke asked as they walked through the thick forest.

"I thought we would go a little further into the woods and then start with some basic training before we try to fight each other, not going for the kill but going to the point." Tanjiro answered, smiling at his friend.

"Sounds good! Let's go faster!" Inosuke said before he began running further into the woods, jumping over any rocks and roots I'm his way.

Tanjiro followed close behind him, all of his training in the forest before helping him out a lot right now.


The two eventually made it to where they wanted to be before they started their normal training routeen.

At the end of it they were both ready to fight one another.

"Lets do this Gonjapero!" Inosuke said as he flipped his swords in his hands.

"Its still Tanjiro but yeah! Let's do this!" Tanjiro smiled back at Inosuke's enthusiasm before their battle began.

They both charged at one another and met in the middle, their swords clashing against each other harshly.

The two of them threw different attacks at each other for a long time, switching between being the attacker and defender.

After fifteen rounds, Inosuke winning seven and Tanjiro winning eight they finally took a break.

"You did great Inosuke!" Tanjiro said with his large smile as he reached his hand out to rest on Inouske's head.

Inouske grabbed Tanjiro's wrist, confusing the boy before he took off the boar head and moved Tanjiro's hand onto his hair.

Tanjiro let his hand move down from Inosuke's hair to cup his face and Inosuke nuzzled his head into it.

"Thanks Tanjiro." Inouske said calmly as he cupped the hand cupping his face.

Tanjiro blushed darkly, not only at how beautiful Inouske is or how adorable it was for him to nuzzle into his hand; it was from him saying his name correctly.

"A-any time Inosuke." Tanjiro stuttered as he rubbed his thumb across Inosuke's cheekbone.

"Why is your face so red? Are you sick?" Inouske asked innocently as he brought the back of his hand to Tanjiro's forehead.

"No I'm not sick, I'm okay." Tanjiro said with a gentle smile.

"Okay." Inouske shrugged before standing up, Tanjiro's hand falling to the ground as he did so.

"Lets go back to Lady Butterfly's place before you make me feel even more giddy then I already am." Inouske said as he held his hand out for Tanjiro to take.

Tanjiro smiled at the confession as he took Inouske's hand, Inouske pulling him up quickly before he ran off again.


Once they were back at Lady Butterfly's place they both took quick showers before heading to their bedroom.

Zenitsu and Nezuko were in the hospital area so the two had the room to themselves for the time being.

"Hey Gonpanjo?" Inouske asked making Tanjiro sigh.

"Come on, you said it right on the mountain why are you back to this again? But yes? What's up?" Tanjiro asked as Inouske took off his boar head again and placed it down next to his bed.

"Can you come here?" Inouske asked, ignoring Tanjiro's compalint about his name.

Tanjiro complied and moved over to the beautiful boy, both of them sitting next to each other now.

Instead of saying anything else Inouske hugged Tanjiro tightly, his head barried into the crook of his neck as his arms were wrapped securely around Tanjiro's torso.

"Are you okay Inoskue?" Tanjiro asked as he wrapped his arms around Inouske's shoulders, resting his head on top of Inouske's.

"Yeah I am, I just feel more relaxed like this." Inouske said as he moved himself so he was sitting on Tanjiro's lap.

"Okay." Tanjiro replied, his brain gay panicking and short circuiting at the same time with Inouske's sudden closeness.

"Tanjiro, relax." Inosuke whispered into Tanjiro's ear with his gravely voice making Tanjiro's arms nearly give out.

"Sorry." Tanjiro whispered back as he moved them so they were laying down, Inouske laying directly on top of him.

He didn't know why they were whispering but his brain was too dead in that moment to care.

"This is nice, why don't people do this more?" Inouske asked as he cuddled impossibly closer to Tanjiro.

"I guess most Demon Slayers don't have the time. Or they don't have someone they trust enough to cuddle with." Tanjiro answered, his brain slowly returning to normal.

He felt how Inouske was absolutely melted against him and how comforting the warmth and weight of him was.

"Well then I guess you and Zenitsu are usefull for more then just fighting." Inouske mumbled out, the warmth and sound of Tanjiro's heartbeat lulling him to sleep along with the absolute comfort and safety he felt in Tanjiro's arms.

Tanjiro smiled down at the now sleeping boy in his arms and soon fell asleep as well.

They all found out how touch starved they are through the new affection and figured out why they were all touch starved.

Inouske grew up with wild boar and so he wasn't given human affection almost ever, Tanjiro and Nezuko only ever got affection from each other ever since their family passes and Zenitsu's grandfather didn't give him much affection deeming that it wasn't nessary as a Demon Slayer.

So the two boys became more affectionate after that day, Zenitsu joining in as well sometimes. They would just make a large cuddle pile and that would be that.

Nezuko would also join sometimes but that was more of a rare occasion because of the sunlight and her need of sleep.

So they all learned to give each other affection and sometimes just cuddled to unwind from a stressful day.

✨️And they lived happily ever after✨️
1,052 Words! Sorry the ending sucked so badly 😭

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