💗Talk To Me (Blyer)

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●○●No monsters au, they are all still in highschool & Mike is still over to visit El & Will BUT Mike & El broke up mutually earlier●○○
Today was the second day of Mike visiting everyone at the Wheelers place and to say it had been kind of nerving at times was an understatement.

El and him had broken up a few days ago through mail and now to see her everywhere he went was kind of strange.

They had decided to break up because they thought that they would be better as friends and that the long distance relationship was hard even if they weren't loosing their spark.

Now to see her every day, it was kind of stressful.

That's why he would stay close to Will as much as possible, practly attached to his hip at times.

Will noticed this, along with everyone else in the house, but nobody commented on it because they knew what had happened with him and El.

Instead, Will embraced the closeness and loved the small touches like their hands or arms, sometimes even legs brushing against each other.

The poor boy has had a crush on his best friend ever since he was ten years old but never said anything because of how society is and because he was scared that he would loose his best friend; so he kept his mouth shut and tried his best to hide his feelings.

Now that Mike was showing him more attention over Jane and he was acting like his best friend again, Will was ecstatic.

"Hey Will?" Mike said as he stared up at the ceiling, laying on Will's bed while Will read a book in the floor, claiming that it was comfortable.

Mike and El had just had their first in person fight since forever ago. It was over the fact that Jane called him out, saying that he hadn't been talking to her bacily at all and she was upset because he had lied. He said that they would stay friends and still talk to one another and he didn't.

"Friends aren't supposed to lie Mike." She stated as she glared at him. He was taken aback and tried to save himself but couldn't think of anything to say.

He hadn't ment to go back on his promise, he wanted them to stay friends but he just felt strange after two years of them dating to break up, only to see her a few days after.

So he replied with "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie. I just need a little space before I think things can go back to normal." Before walking past her and into Will's room.

That's why he was laying on his bed in the first place.

Will didn't say anything to Mike as he came in, having heard their whole conversation on the other side of the door.

"Yes Mike?" Will answered when he heard Mike speak up for the first time since he came into the room.

"Can you talk to me? It doesn't have to be anything important or even make any sense. I just need to hear your voice." Mike asked as he looked over at Will who looked confused and flustured at the same time.

"Oh, um sure." Will said still very confused yet if Mike wanted him to talk to make him feel better then he would.

So he put his bookmark in his book and started talking about his latest DND campaign he wants to try and start up at his school here and all of the characters abilities and weaknesses.

He was getting very passionate in what he was talking about making Mike smile.

He allowed his eyes to slip shut as he listened to Will's voice. It always calmed him and helped him relax, this time was no different.

🏳️‍🌈Gay Oneshots pt.2🏳️‍🌈(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now