❤️‍🔥BDSM (Steddie)

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Requested by @JustKur0m1
⚠️Cussing, hair pulling kink, praise kink, degrading kink, being blindfolded, being tied up, smut, cum control, overstimulation, begging⚠️

"Are you sure you want to do this baby boy?" Steve asked as he finnished tying the blindfold around Eddie's head.

"Yes I'm sure." Eddie answered as his body shivered with anticipation.

He and Steve have been together for a while now and have had sex quite a few times already but tonight Eddie wanted to spice things up and Steve was more then happy to comply to his requests.

"Okay and you rember the system were using?" Steve asked as he checked on the ropes that were keeping Eddie's hands and legs tied to the bedposts.

"The traffic light system, red is stop, yellow is slow and green is go." Eddie replied wanting to speed this up so he could feel some pleasure.

"Good boy." Steve said giving Eddie a quick kiss before pulling back making Eddie whine.

Steve moved his head down so he was kissing along his jaw, down his neck, chest, and hips before reaching Eddie's thys where he stopped and pulled back once again, loving the way Eddie whrithered under him; silently begging him for some type of real pleasure.

"Hmmm, should I be nice to my good boy or should I be mean?" Steve asked himself aloud, getting another small whine from Eddie.

"I guess I'll be nice because this is your first time doing this~" Steve settled on with a smirk.

He quickly grabbed the lube and lubed up his fingers before prepping his lover, distracting him with more little kisses as he did so.

"You're loose, did you already prep yourself?" Steve asked when he felt how easily his fingers slipped in.

Eddie nodded his head yes as he attempted to hide his face in embarrassment.

"Use your words or I'll stop and you'll have to deal with your problem all on your own." Steve stated as he used his free hand to cup Eddie's face, drawing his eyes to his own.

"Yes I already prepped." Eddie admitted, his face now a deep red shade.

"See, that wasn't so hard to say." Steve teased as he put on a condom before lubeing his dick up.

"Oh shut up." Eddie said as he rolled his eyes.

"You're not one to be making demands right now baby boy." Steve stated with a slight glare before pushing into Eddie with out warning.

Eddie gasped as his hands jerked against the ropes, wanting to wrapp around Steve's neck and back on instinct.

The ropes hurt on his wrists but he was too busy paying attention to Steve to notice.

"What color?" Steve asked as he began to slowly move in and out.

"Green." Eddie replied instantly getting a smirk back before Steve picked up his pace.

"Lets see if we can find that special spot of yours baby." Steve hummed as he moved his hips at different angles.

When he heard Eddie gasp loudly as his eyes rolled back he knew that he had found it.

"There it is~" Steve smirked as he sped his hips up even more, quickly making Eddie become a moaning mess.

"Oh fuck! I-im close!" Eddie warned making Steve frown.

"No your not." He said as he moved one of his hands to the base of Eddie's cock, the other on his thy to steady himself as he continued to pound mercilessly into him.

🏳️‍🌈Gay Oneshots pt.2🏳️‍🌈(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now