❤️‍🔥Tongue Peircing pt.2 (Oc)

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Same stuff as last time but different warnings (pt.1 is in my other gay oneshots book btw)

⚠️Cussing, morning sex, praise, anal, blowjob⚠️

Oh & thank you to the people that commented that they wanted a part 2♡♡♡

It was about ten thirty when Bae woke up, his arms wrapped around Austin's chest as his chest was pressed against Austin's back.

Deciding to stay true to what he had said the night before, Bae began kissing along Austin's neck to wake him up.

The kisses soon turned into hickeys as Austin woke up, slowly letting his eyelids open as breathy moans fell from his lips.

"Good morning love~" Bae hummed when he noticed that Austin woke up.

"G'Morning." Austin breathed out as his eyes shut once again, allowing himself to bask in the small bits of pleasure.

"You still up for that lazy morning sex?" Bae asked, pausing his neck kisses and hickeys to give his love a kiss on the lips.

"Of course, I'm not one to go back on my word." Austin hummed back once they pulled apart from their slow kiss.

Bae only smiled in responce before he moved his fingers down to Austin's ass.

As he began to prep him he went back to giving him small kisses all along his neck, jaw, and back.

Austin was the equivalent of a puddle by now. Because he had just woken up he was overly sensitive and all of the small, gentle affection was driving him the best kind of crazy possible.

Once Bae deemed Austin stretched enough he quickly lubed his dick up before slowly putting it inside of Austin.

"Your so beautiful." "So pretty." "I love you so much." Bae praised into Austin's ear as he bottomed out.

He was always super gentle and loving whenever they had morning sex because he knew how sensitive Austin was and how hazy his morning mind was.

"Fuck." Austin breathed out as his eyes shut in pleaser.

"I love you too." Austin said as Bae gave him more soft butterfly kisses on his neck.

Bae smiled at the affect he was having on Austin as he began moving his hips slowly, making sure Austin felt every move as he did so.

"You're so perfect my love." "You're amazing." "I couldn't ask for anyone better then you." "So perfect, so beautiful." "I can't tell you how much I love you~" Bae praised inbetween kisses, his deep voice and soothing voice only adding to the euphoria Austin was experiencing.

"Fucking shit-" Austin moaned at the praise.

"Are you close baby?" Bae asked as he picked up the pase of his hips some.

Austin nodded in responce as a moan fell from his lips.

Bae moved one of his hands so it was around Austin's member and began moving it up and down in time with his thrusts.

Austin moaned the loudest he had all morning as he came into Bae's hand.

Bae gave a few more calm thrusts and moved his hand a little more to help him ride out his orgasem before he pulled out and away, licking the cum from his hand.

Austin moaned at the sight as he tried to calm himself down from the high.

"Mmm, you taste so good my love~" Bae hummed into Austin's ear making him shiver.

"Shut up, your going to make me hard again." Austin said as he sat up.

Bae only chuckled at that. He looked down at Austin who moved so he was now eye level with Baes cock.

"Your turn~" Austin hummed before taking Bae into his mouth.

He made sure to roll his tongue peircing along the under side of his dick before pulling up and rolling it against his tip.

Bae groaned in pleasure, the coldness of the peircing stood out a lot compared the overwhelming warmth of the rest of Austin's mouth.

"Fuc-" Bae cut himself off with a moan as Austin hollowed out his cheeks, bobbing his head up and down his dick.

Austin made sure his peircing went along the vane on the bottom of Bae's dick as be bobbed his head, going all the way to the base before pulling back up to the tip.

"You always amazing me at how fucking good you are at this." Bae choked out through a moan.

Austin hummed in responce, only adding to Bae's pleasure.

This continued on for a few more minutes- Austin deepthroating Bae as he sucked in his cheeks and hummed, occasionally pulling all the way to tease the tip- before Bae was close to his climax.

"I'm close." Bae warned only to have Austin pull all the way off and begin to quickly jerk him off.

"Cum on my face?" Austin asked as he looked up at Bae through his thick eyelashes.

"Fuck." Bae groaned in responce before cumming all over Austin's face, most of it falling into his open mouth.

"You taste good too love." Austin hummed as he opened his eyes to see Bae looking like he was on cloud nine.

"Hmm, that's good." Bae replied as he tried to calm down.

Once he had calmed down he finally looked at Austin and almost came again at the sight.

He looked absolutely recked, his pink hair was a mess, his face was covered of cum, his eyes were slightly wattery and his lips were all red and swollen.

"We need to take a shower." Bae said as he pried his eyes away from his beautifully disgusting lover.

"Agreed." Austin hummed in agreement before they both got up and moved to the bathroom.


They took a shower together before getting out and eating breakfast.

As promised, Bae fucked Austin all through out the day and every other day while their daughter was out of the house.

By the time she was back, Austin couldn't move and they had to tell her that he was sick and that's why he couldn't leave the bed...
986 Words!

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