💔/💗Cuddles (Dark Sides)

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Janus x Virgil x Remus* (Before Virgil was a Light Side) 

⚠️Kind of Angst⚠️

(EDITED by @KbaeStar)

(3rd pov.)

Virgil, Janus, and Remus aka Anxiety,  Deceit, and Intrusive Thoughts (or "evil" creativity) where all in their side of the Mind Palace. It was almost night time and they where all on the couch cuddling.

"Hey, do you all want to give Thomas nightmares tonight?" Remus asked with a wicked grin.

"No I'm comfortable." Virgil replied while cuddling further into Janus's chest.

"You see this is why your gonna be a light side. You never want to have a little fun." Remus stated with a huff.

"That's so unrealistic." Janus stated while tightening his grip in Virgil's head and back while also cuddling back  into Remus's chest.

There was an awkward silence for a minute before Remus kissed Janus's cheek (the human side) and then kissed the top of Virgil's head.

"I love you both and if you two ever become Light Sides I want you to know that." Remus stated with tears brimming his eyes. He knew that at least Virgil would become a Light Side and Janus could potentially become one too if they accepted him. He also knew that because of what Roman has said and what he has done, the other sides would never let him become a Light Side.

"We love you too." Janus stated while kissing Remus. Virgil then hugged Remus and kissed his cheek. "We will always love you too." Virgil stated, by now they all had teary eyes because they all knew that they Virgil and Janus might become Light Sides and they would all be pulled apart.

"Just because we might become Light Sides doesn't mean we can't still date and meet up in the Imagination." Janus stated. They where all in a group hug, Remus in the middle and Janus and Virgil on the outside.

"But what if Roman convinces you two to turn on me? What if you two hate me? What if -" Remus asked, now crying at all of the possibility's.

"Hey, stop worrying. That's my job and you don't have to worry about that, nothing Roman can say will make us turn on you." Virgil reassured while also tearing up some. Smearing his eye makeup.

"Alright, can we please stop crying now? We all love each other, will never turn on each other, and will stay dating until Thomas dies. So can we please stop crying, I hate it when you two are sad." Janus asked while hugging them tightly.

"Yah." Virgil chuckled, Remus nodding with a small smile. He still wasn't sure weather they would 100% keep their promise even if Janus's eye didn't glow but for now he was going to enjoy being together.

So the three got back to cuddling but this time Janus was the one in the very back, holding everyone, Remus was in the middle, and Virgil was in the same place as he was to begin with.

They all watched The Nightmare Before Christmas until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

So just remember that every time you see Virgil being rude to Janus or Remus that its all just an act and that they all secretly love each other.

541 Words!

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