💗Wings (Logicality)

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⚠️Slight cussing⚠️

(EDITED by @KbaeStar) 


(3rd pov.)

Thomas had been looking at fanfiction where all of the sides had wings. He didn't think anything other than "Oh wow, this are is amazing." What he didn't know is what would happen to the sides....

It was a cold night in the Mind Palace. All of the sides where in the living room, huddled under blankets watching Supernatural. When all of a sudden Patton screamed in pain, alarming everyone else.

Next was Logan then Roman, Virgil, Remus, and finally Janus.

Now they where all in so much pain, Virgil and Patton thought they might pass out.

But then it stopped. It just stopped. There was no dull pain or anything. Nothing was hurting anymore.

They where all extremely confused until they looked up at each other... they all had 'dragon' wings!

Patton's where light blue, Logan's dark blue, Roman's red, Virgil's dark purple, Remus's green, and Janus's yellow.

"What the Hell?!" Virgil exclaimed while wrapping the wings around himself, making him instantly warmer. "Woah." Virgil whispered at his discovery.

"What? Also Logan do you know why we all have wings?" Roman asked Virgil then Logan.

"Logan, you go first." Virgil stated while falling over slightly and landing on Roman's shoulder.

"Well I assume Thomas saw some fanart of us with wings, liked the idea, and then his subconscious mind changed us." Logan explained.

"Oh great. That is the best news ever." Janus stated, his eye shining so yellow it was almost blinding.

"It should all be back to normal by tomorrow." Logan assured as Janus wrapped himself and Remus in his wings, then putting his head onto Remus's shoulder/chest.

"Oh my Chuck it got warm." Remus stated while Janus nodded in agreement.

"That's what I was going to say, if you wrap your wings around yourself then it provides warmth." Virgil stated while wrapping his wings around him and Roman, then laying his head on Roman's chest. Making Roman blush so red he could rival a tomato.

"Thanks for the information Kiddos." Patton grinned as he put his wings around himself, he didn't want to bother Logan with touching him. He wasn't sure if Logan would be ok with it or not.

After a while Patton's wings weren't giving him enough warmth so he started to shake a bit and his teeth started to chatter.

He attempted to play it off but eventually his coldness was seen by Logan.

"Are you alright Patton?" Logan asked in a whisper, now that Demus and Prinxiety where asleep.

"Yes." Patton said in a very unconvincing tone, Janus woke up slightly, showing his glowing eye and then fell asleep again.

"Come here." Logan sighed, he then unwrapped his wings from himself and wrapped them around Patton.

"Thank you." Patton said with a smile as he snuggled up to Logan's side.

"Of course, your health is very important and you where freezing so I needed to help. Also I couldn't have my future boyfriend getting sick now could I?" Logan asked the last part with his eyes glowing dark blue, showing that either Janus, Virgil, or Remus where controlling him for that bit.

When his eyes returned to normal Patton was looking at him worriedly and then over to his kiddos.

"What's wrong?" Logan asked, obvious to what happened.

"Remus or Janus did something, don't worry about it." Patton assured upon seeing Virgil curled up to Roman, admitting little snores every once and a while.

"Ok?" Logan said while eyeing the seeming to be asleep couple.

"Hey Logi? Do you like me? As in more than a friend?" Patton asked while sitting up so he wasn't leaning on Logan but staying within his wings so he wouldn't freeze.

"Um...why do you ask?" Logan asked while blushing.

"Just wondering if the feeling was returned." Patton replied, hoping the blush was a flustered blush and not an embarrassed blush.

"Oh, well... they are." Logan said after a minute.

Patton smiled in relief and then hugged Logan.

"Would you like to be my boyfriend?" Patton asked while he cuddled up to Logan, trying to steal some of his warmth.

"Oh course." Logan replied, he then kissed Patton's head.

They soon followed the kiddos by falling asleep.

They would have to talk to Thomas tomorrow but until then they would be nice and warm, cuddling and sleeping.

728 Words!

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