💗Sanlot (Mainly Prinxiety)

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*Also has Logicality and Demus*

-Human Au-


(3rd pov.)

Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman, Remus, and Janus where all best friends. They where all in Highschool. It was Saturday and Roman had told them all to come over to the pool he worked at as a life guard.

They all agreed, of course. Some took more persuading then others but they all ended up there anyway.

Roman was already at work so Janus, Remus, Logan, Patton, and Virgil all got into Logan's car and drove there.

"Hey Virge, because you like Roman so much you should pull a Sanlot." Janus said with a smirk.

"What's a Sandlot?" Patton asked as Virgil shook his head 'no' quickly.

"Pulling a Sandlot is a move where you pretend to drowns and so you have to get the lifeguard to do mouth to mouth with them. Then once you regain consciousness you kiss them while they are giving you the mouth to mouth." Remus explained, making Logan roll his eyes.

"A lifeguard doesn't do mouth to mouth also know as CPR unless they don't feel your heartbeat." Logan stated as they pulled into the parking lot.

"Well I think you should at least try." Janus stated with an evil smirk.

"No, not happening." Virgil stated determenly.

They all walked into the pool area after Logan and Patton told them that they where here with Roman.

After they all changed they headed over to Roman.

"Hey everyone! I'm happy you could make it!" Roman exclaimed happily while getting up and hugging them all, stopping shortly before he hugged Virgil and low key checking him out.

Once they had done their hellos Roman went back over to his chair and the others chose their chairs, all together and close to Roman.

Virgil just had his feet in the six foot area where everyone else where swimming when all of a sudden he heard "Sandlot." Get whispered into his ear and then he was shoved into the pool.

Virgil's eyes snapped shut and his very short amount of breath was running out quickly. And the worst part about this all was that Virgil didn't know how to swim.

At the large splash Patton, Remus and Logan all looked over only to see Janus standing there looking smug and air bubbles come up from the pool.

"What was that? Who was that?" Patton asked suddenly panicked.

"It was Virgil, I told him to do the Sandlot." Janus replied making Patton gasp loudly.

"No! He can't swim!" Patton yelled over to Roman looking extremely worried.

Roman took one look at Patton, blew his whistle to tell people to get out of the water and dove in where the bubbles where.

Once under water Roman saw Virgil struggling to come to the surface but slowly loosing consensus. So he quickly swam over, picked him up bridal style and pushed off of the bottom of the pool to get them to the top quicker.

When they where above the water Roman put Virgil down onto the concrete and got out of the pool. He then checked for Virgil's heartbeat and didn't find one. He quickly gave Virgil CPR and soon Virgil bolted up, coughing up water.

Roman pulled him into his chest, knowing that it helps calm Virgil whenever he is having a panic attack or is just in a panic.

"Who did that?! How did you not know that he can't swim? He told us before and if any of you paid attention to him then you would know that!" Roman said as loudly as he could without it become yelling, he also knew that Virgil hated when people yelled even if it wasn't at aimed him.

"All I wanted to do was have you two pull a Sandlot but you two get together instead of you pushing Virgil away." Janus mumbled as Remus went over to him and hugged him, knowing that he didn't know that Virgil couldn't swim and that he was just trying to do him a favor.

*sigh* "Just don't do it again. Also you could have just asked me to kiss him, I've liked him for forever now. Remus you know this!" Roman said, then realized he had said it out loud and tensed up.

"Really?" Virgil asked, looking up slightly from Roman's chest.

"Um... yah." Roman said, a blush rising to his face quickly.

"Oh would you two just get together already?!" Remus and Janus yelled together as Logan and Patton chuckled.

"Virgil, would you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?" Roman asked as Remus handed him a towel to give Virgil.

"Um.. sure, I mean yes." Virgil said with a crimson blush as Roman put the towel around him.

"Come on, my shift is almost over. Once it is over then we can all come over to Remus and I's house and have a sleepover." Roman promised as the other lifeguard blew their whistle, signaling everyone could come back into the water.

Virgil nodded and went over to his chair to dry off and sit in the sun.

*Time skip fifteen minutes*

"Alright, my shift is over. Let's round up the others and head over to Remus and I's place." Roman said, waking Virgil up.

*kitten yawn* "Ok Princy." Virgil replied making Roman kiss his cheek, he was way too adorable not to.

They then gathered up Logan, Patton, Janus, and Remus and hopped into Logan's car again. This time going to Remus and Roman's house with Virgil in Roman's lap because there weren't enough seats.

*Once they get there*

They all loaded out of the car and headed into Roman's room.

"Ok well everyone already has clothes here so we have that, Janus will stay with Remus while Patton, Virgil, and I will stay in Roman's room. Either that or are we going to fall asleep on the couch and wake up in pain of the couch?" Logan asked as he hugged Patton from behind and placed his head on top of Patton's shoulder.

"Lets go to the couch!" Roman and Remus exclaimed together with a laugh. So they all walked over to the couch.

Roman turned on Steven Universe and everyone cuddled their significant other. They eventually all fell asleep around 4:30 in the morning.

They where all going to be in pain in the morning but until then they where content with everything.

1,105 Words! I am sorry that this is another Prinxiety, Logicality, and Demus before all of the other ships! I hope you can forgive me! I also hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖

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