💗Affectionate (EraserMic)

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Ship- Aizawa(aka Shota) x Present Mic(aka Mic aka Hizashi)
I know Mic's first name is Hizashi but I'm going to call him Mic (sounds like Mike) here because it's a lot easier to spell out 😅
It was summer vacation for all of the students of UA and everyone was thrilled, finally, a break from school!

Shota was staying with Mic for the summer because his parents were very busy heros and wouldn't be able to be there for him.

Even with Shota being in his third year of school his parents thought it was best that he stay with Mic and his parents for the summer instead of staying at home alone with their cats.

Though Shota was fine with staying home alone with the cats, he was also happy that he was instead able to stay with his boyfriend.

The two didn't get many chances to do coupley things in school because of all of their school work and training. 

They didn't give a single fuck about what other people thought about them dating so that wasn't their problem at all.

"Hey Sho, you okay?" Mic asked as he waved his hand infront of his boyfriend's face.

Shota had spaced out but was quickly snapped back to reality when he heard Mic's voice.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I'm fine." Shota said as he looked up at Mic. "I'm just tired." He finnished making Mike laugh.

"You're always tired." He chuckled as he stood up off his bed, Shota following after him.

"You're taller..." Sho mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Mic's waist before nuzzling his head into Mic's back.

Mic blushed at the sudden affection, he wasn't prepared for Shota's bare chest to be pressed against his back.

Shota didn't have a shirt on because he deemed the room too hot and decided to take it off making Mic flustured quickly.

"Y-yeah I am." Mic stuttered out as he turned around so he could hug Shota back properly.

Shota wrapped his arms around Mic's torso and nuzzled his head into the crook of Mic's neck as Mic wrapped his arms around Shota.

"I love you." Mic hummed as he moved one of his hands to play with Shota's long hair, taking it down from the bun it was in.

"Hmmm, love you too." Shota hummed as he leaned into Mic's hand.

He loved it when Mic played with his hair, it calmed him and always helped him relax.

Mic smiled when he felt Shota melt more into his embrace as he combed his fingers through his hair.

"Do you want to sit back down so we can cuddle?" Mic asked, pausing his hand making Shota look up at him confused.

"Oh, sure." He replied; so they both moved back onto the bed, Shota cuddled up on Mic's chest like a cat.

Mic had one arm wrapped around Shota's back and the other went back to playing with his hair.

"Do you want to listen to some music?" Mic asked after a minute of the two cuddling in comfortable silence.

He always loved to have music blasting twenty-four seven but he also knew that Shota would sometimes get a sensory overload if he heard the music too loud or for too long so he liked to ask before he turned any music on.

"Do you have any calm music?" Shota asked as Mic pulled out his phone.

"Of course I do, I made a Playlist on Spotify for you." Mic smiled as he hit play in the Playlist.

"Achilles Come Down" by Gang Of Youths began playing softly from the phone making Shota smile.

It was one of his favorite songs even though it was an older song now, he still loved it.

It was so depressing yet beautiful at the same time, he could never get tired of hearing it and played it on loop whenever he was spirling to calm himself down and ground himself.

"That was sweet of you." Shota hummed as he cuddled impossibly closer to Mic.

"It was nothing." Mic smiled as he slightly tightened his grip on Shota.

"Hmm." Shota hummed, not believing him but he was too tired to say anything.

The two fell into another comfortable silence but now had the music playing softly in the background.

Eventually Shota fell asleep and Mic was left fully to his thoughts.

"He's so pretty." 

"I love him so much."

"He's being so affectionate, it's so cute."

"I love him."  "I love him." "I love him."

"He's perfect." 

Mic's thoughts were all consumed by Shota as Mic relished in the comforting weight, warmth, and gentle breaths Shota gave him.

"I'm going to marry him some day." Mic thought, his soft smile growing  larger at the thought.

Soon enough, Mic allowed himself to be lulled asleep by Shota's steady, calm breaths.


The next morning the two were woken up with a jolt when Mic's mom hit his bedroom door aggressively.

"I'M COMING INTO THE ROOM, YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE NAKED." She yelled before opening the door, one of her hands on the door knobb and the other over her eyes.

"Am I safe to move my hand?" She asked when she didn't hear panicked shuffling or Mic yelling at her to get out.

"Yes mom, you can move your hand." Mic chuckled as Shota looked over at her looking partly confused but mostly tired.

"Oh good, aww aren't you two cute! Anyway, lunch is almost done. I was going to wake yall for breakfast but I figured I'd let you sleep." She said, cooing at the two when she saw them cuddled together.

"Okay mom, thanks." Mic said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Thank you Mrs.Yamada." Shota said sleepily as he too rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Thank Hizahi's father, he's the one that made the food." Mrs.Yamada smiled before she began leaving the room.

"Make sure to be fully dressed when you come down, Shota I'm talking about you." She laughed as she shut the door making Shota blush darkly in embarrassment.

He forgot he didn't have a shirt on.

"Wow, she didn't have to call you out like that." Mic laughed as Shota got off of him so they could both get dressed.

Shota just laughed mockingly back as he aggressively put a shirt on.

"I was just joking my love, I love you." Mic smiled before walking over to Shota and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"That was fucking pitiful." Shota said before pulling Mic into an actual kiss.

The two broke away, Shota looking smug as Mic was breathless and stunned.

"Come on love, don't want to keep your parents waiting." Shota hummed before walking out of the room, a smirk still on his face.

"Why you little-" Mic smiled before chasing after Shota to 'get revenge' aka another kiss.

This summer is going to be great.
1,154 Words!

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