💔/💗The Cold (DRLAMP)

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⚠️Self harm, self hate, cussing, accidental verbal harm. If there is any more then please tell me in the comments!⚠️ 

*Angst to Fluff* 

This was requested by G41acc 💖


(3rd pov.)

Its winter time in Florida. Normally its all hot and warm but in Thomas's mind its cold and snowy.

Janus was freezing, he needs the sunlight for warmth. Without the sun he needed something to keep him warm.

So he decided to go and ask his boyfriends if they could cuddle with him. Keep him a little warmer.

So he left his cocoon of blankets and set out to find his boyfriends.

The first one has saw was Patton. He was in the kitchen cooking so he decided to not bother him and instead move onto his next boyfriend.

Remus was the next boyfriend he saw. He walked up to him and wrapped his arms around his torso.

"Hello love, what's up?" Remus asked while cleaning off his mace.

"Nothing much, just wondering if you want to cuddle?" Janus asked while putting his head on Remus's shoulder.

"I would love to but Roman, Virgil, Logan and I are all going to go slay a Dragon Witch in the Imagination. Well Roman and I are going to slay it and then Logan and Virgil are going to study its dead body." Remus replied while moving away from Janus and heading towards the door.

"Oh, ok." Janus said while walking out and back to his room.

All of his boyfriends where busy. He hated having to ask his boyfriends for attention.

"Your so needy."

"Nobody has time for you."

"Your useless without them."

Janus was now crying and shaking slightly. He slowly got up and walked to the bathroom.

"You shouldn't do this." 

"Yes you should! Do it and you'll feel better. Just a few cuts and you will feel so much better."

Janus's thoughts swirled in his head as he reached for the razor blade.

"One cut for being clingy."

"One for being too needy."

"And three for being useless and a pain to everyone."

After the last three cuts Janus washed off his arm, bandaged it us and walked back to his bed.

He was crying a bit harder now and shaking more violently, from the cold and crying.

He then collapsed onto his bed and cried himself to sleep.

*Time skip to when he wakes up*

Janus had just woken up to the sound of the Imagination door shutting and the showers turning on. (All of the sides had their own showers in their rooms.)

Janus left his room and headed down to look for Patton. Once he found him he wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Need any help?" Janus asked, being careful not to press to hard on his arm.

"Nope, I'm good. Dinner should be done in a few minutes though. If you could gather the others that would help a lot." Patton said, continuing to work and not really register that Janus was attempting to get some affection.

"Alright." Janus said with a sigh as he walked down the hall.

At each door he would knock on it and tell them that dinner was ready. He got the same reply from everyone.

🏳️‍🌈Gay Oneshots pt.2🏳️‍🌈(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now