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         The One With the Baby on the Bus

"Why is he still crying"I asked as I rocked Ben back and forth in my arms

"Let me hold him for a sec."Ross said. I handed him the baby and he stopped crying."There we are."Ross smiled at the silence

"Maybe it's me."I shrugged

"Don't be silly. Ben loves you. He's just being Mr. Crankypants."Ross said

"You know, I once dated a Miss Crankypants. Lovely girl, kinda moody."Chandler said

"There we go. All better."Ross said before giving ben back to me.

He immedietly started crying again.

"Can I uh see something?"Chandler asked

I handed him the baby. He stood up and the baby stopped crying.When he moved ben back towards me he started again.

"Cool."Joey said

"Oh my god he hates me"I said in realization.

"No he doesnʻt"Ross said

"What if my own baby hates me"I asked
"Then what am I gonna do"I asked hopelessly

"Y/n, will you stop? This is nuts. Do you know how long it's gonna be before you actually have to deal with this problem? I mean, you don't even have a boyfriend yet."Chandler said smiling at me.
Chandler held a basketball away from my head. Each time he brought it closer Joey would pretend to cry.

"That is so funny"I fake laughed before grabbing the ball and throwing it out the open window.

"Are you ok, Ross?"Joey asked

"I don't know. What's in this pie?

"Uh, I don't know, butter, eggs, flour, lime, kiwi" Monica listed

"Kiwi? Kiwi? I thought it was a key lime pie."Ross yelled

"No I didn't, I said kiwi lime. That's what makes it so special. "Monics told him

"And that's what's gonna kill me. I'm allergic to kiwi."He yelled

" No you're not. You're, you're allergic to lobster and peanuts and--oh my god."Monica said

Ross held his throat.

"Ugh. It's definitely getting worse."He said

"Is your tongue swelling up?"Mon asked

"Either that or my mouth is getting smaller."He said

You could tell his toung was swelling by the way he was talking.

"All right, get your coat, we're going to the hospital."Mon said

"Is he gonna be ok?"Joey asked

"Yeah, he's just gotta get a shot."I said I said standing up to go with them.

"You know, you know, actually it's getting better. It is. It is. Let's not go. Anyone for ʻThcrabble?ʻ"Ross asked

"Jacket now."Monica comanded

"What about Ben? We can't bring a baby to a hospital."Ross said

"We'll watch him."Chandler suggested

"I don't think tho."Ross said

"What? I have seven Catholic sisters. I've taken care of hundreds of kids. Come on, we wanna do it, don't we?"

"I was looking forward to playing basketball, but I guess that's out the window."Chandler said loudly as he looked at me.

"Y/n stay here with them"Ross said

"And miss out on you getting a shot?"I asked
"Hell no"I said before following Mon into the hallway. Ross said something else to Joey and Chandler but none of us understood him since his toung was really swollen
ʻWell, there's no way I'm gonna get a shot. Maybe they can take the needle and ʻthquirt' it into my mouth, you know, like a ʻthquirtʻ gun."Ross said

"Hello, there. I'm Dr. Carlin. I see someone's having an allergic reaction."He said

"My brother, the PhD would like to know if there's any way to treat this orally. "Mon said

"No, under these circumstances it has to be an injection, and it has to be now."The doctor replied

"'tho?"Ross asked

I shook my head.

"No Ross"

"That's good, have a seat. Um, the doctor says it's gotta be a needle. You're just gonna have to be brave, ok? Can you do that for me?"Monica asked

"Okay"Ross said

"You wanna squeeze my hand? All right, Ross, don't squeeze it so hard. Honey, really, don't squeeze it so hard! Oh, Ross! Let go of my hand!"

"Are you sure he didn't break it because it really hurts."Monics said

"No, it's just a good bone bruise. And, right here is the puncture wound from your ring."He said showing us the X ray

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. Sorry. Sorry! Hey! Hey! I got my s's back! Which we can celebrate later. Celebrate. "Ross said
"I just wanna thank you for being there for me today. And I'm sorry I,I almost broke your hand."Ross apologized

"That's ok. I'm sorry I poisoned you."Monica smiled

"Yeah. Hey, remember the time I jammed that pencil into your hand?"I asked Monica

"Remember it? What do you think this is, a freckle?"She asked showing me her hand

"Wait, what about the time I hit you in the face with the Silvian's pumpkin?"Monics said to ross

ʻOh, man. Oh, remember when I stuck that broom in your bike spokes, and you flipped over and hit your head on the curb?"Ross asked me

"No. But I remember people telling me about it."I said

"I hope Ben has a little sister."Ross smiled

"Yeah. I hope she can kick his ass."Mon said

"Hey, how 'bout the time I cut the legs off your Malibu Ken?"Ross said

"That was you?"Monica asked

"Who else would it have been"Ross asked

Monica looked at me.

Chandler and Joey walked in with ben.

"Oh my god their all alive"I said

Joey handed Ben to Monica

"Hey, he's not crying."Chandler said happily

I walked over to the two and Ben started grying

"Now he is"Chandler mumbled

"Yes! There's still pie."Joey yelled walking over to it

"I'm here. How's my little boy? Want Daddy to change your diaper? So, did you have fun with Uncle Joey and Uncle Chandler today?"Ross asked

"Oh, yeah, he rode the bus today."Joey told

"Ohhh. Big boy, riding the bus--Hey, I have a question. How come it says Property of Human Services on his butt?"Ross asked

"Your gonna love this story" Chandler said sarcsstically.

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