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Charlie's POV:

I pull my suitcase out of the trunk. "It sucks we aren't gonna be roommates this semester" Nick sighs closing the trunk. "At least we both got into college together." I smile at him. "I can't believe you convinced all of our friends to go here too" I chuckle and walk towards the entrance. We are greeted by other students as we walk through the door. "Welcome to Connecticut College!" They cheer. We walk over to the front desk picking up our door keys. "Don't lose these. If you do lose them, only lose them between 6am-4pm. That's the only time we are open." "What happens if we lose it not durning those hours.." I look at Nick worried. I'm prone to losing things. "Your shit out of luck." He rolls his eyes and hands us the keys. Nick throws his arm around me. "Don't worry! If you lose them you can just crash in my dorm!" "Thanks Nick" I flash a smile. It's so great having Nick as my Best friend. Ever since elementary school he's always been there for me. Through every test, every heart break and every time I need him. He's just there.

We drop my stuff off at my dorm first. Nicks dorm is only a few doors down. Since he's in a double he has a corner room. We grab Nicks Items and head back to the elevator. We get back to the floor and music is blaring now. "Where is that coming from?" I cover my ears at the noise. The further we walk to Nicks dorm, the louder it gets. "Great, it's coming from My dorm." Nick rolls his eyes and walks through the open door. "Hellooo" he calls out. A guys peeks his head out from a door. "Sorry" he calls back, he turns the music down and walk out in our direction. "Hi, I'm Maddox but everyone calls me Max." Nick reach out and shakes his hand. A smile forms and his cheeks are blushed. I take a small step back taking in his appearance. His hair is on the longer side. It's black and pin straight. He's tall. Taller than Nick. He's wearing a black and white stripped long shelve shirt and black jeans. His figure is slim and everything is big on him. I look back over at Nick to find him gone. Max points towards the other door. "While you were staring your boyfriend started moving his stuff in" he chuckles. "Oh uh he's not my boyfriend. We are just friends." I say walking towards Nick. Why would he think that? We have always been just friends. I've never even seen Nick that way. That's a line I would never cross. "Char some help please?" Nick strains. I rush over to help him move the desk. "By the window" he points. As we finish arranging the room, Maddox peeks his head in. "Hey I'm heading down for the opening night scrimmage. You wanna play?" Nick looks over at me. I nod my head letting him know it's okay. "Sure! I didn't know you were on the Hockey team." Nick answers back. "Your looking at the captain for the last 2 years. About to be 3 years in a row." He smirks back. "Char just needs to get changed into something warmer and we will meet you there." Nick rushes out the door pulling me with him. "What's wrong with that I'm wearing" I scoff when we get back to my dorm. "Nothing" he sighs. "But you said..." he cuts me off. "I know what I said Char, here just put on my Jacket." He pulls his jacket off and part of the shirt comes with it. I hadn't realized he had been working out that much. He throws the jacket at me. "Okay then what's up?" I ask pulling the jacket over my head. "Did you see him?" He sits on my bed. "Who? Maddox?" "Yeah, he looked straight out of hot topic." His cheeks blush. "Nick don't" I cross my arms. "Don't what?" He slumps back further on the bed. "You can't have a crush on your team captain" I walk over sitting down next to him. "What if it ends badly?" I lay back further so we are face to face now. Nick sighs. "Yeah, I guess. But he was so cute! How am I going to live with him?" He groans into my pillow. "Then when you need to just come to my dorm. I don't have a roommate so your always welcome. And next year we can room together!" I remove the pillow from his face sitting back up. "Besides he thinks your my boyfriend anyway." I huff. "What?? you told him we are just friends right! "Yeah, just friends" I throw my pillow at him. "Just go get changed for the game. I'll be in the stands cheering your name."

Nick walks out the door and I flip on my bed. I'm irritated but I don't even know why. It's been so hard for Nick to accept that he likes boys too. I should be encouraging him! Besides like I said to Maddox, he's not my boyfriend. I don't even have a crush on him! I groan smashing the pillow on my face. I need to tell Nick it's okay to go for it. I'll tell him after the game. But if this goes south I will NOT be the one to blame for it. I head down towards the Rink. I run into Jackson in the elevator. "You and Nick get settled?" He smiles. "Yeah.." "what's up" he places his hand on my shoulder. Jackson and I met in high school. He was on the Hockey team with Nick. He's always the one I vent to about Nick. "Just a dumb crush Nick has" I shake my head. Jackson opens the doors to the rink letting me go first. "Oh your just jealous again." He laughs and shakes his head. "What am not." I huff. "Listen we will talk after the game okay?" He opens the door to the locker room. Maddox is standing next to Nick with his arm around his shoulder. "Oh hell no" I blurt. "But your not jealous" Jackson winks at me walking off.

All's fair in Love and Hockey - A Nick and Charlie Fan Fiction Where stories live. Discover now