I can't loose you

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Rykers Pov:

I wake up to the sound of a door slamming open. "Nick?" I blink my eyes. "Ryker?" He looks over at Max who's still some how asleep. His face turns a deep red and he turns on his heals.

I race after him. "Nick wait!" He stops dead in his tracks. "How could you do this to him?" He yells. I place my finger over my lips and look back at the open door. "It's not what you think" I whisper. My stomach twist in knots. I don't want Charlie to find out this way.

"Then what is it?" He whispers back. The knots start to untie as Nicks anger fades. "I don't know." Is all I can manage to get out. I still don't know what I'm feeling.

"Well you need to figure it out" he huffs, crossing his arms. I motion to the elevator. "Come on, it's 6am let's go get some coffee." He nods his head in agreement.

Nicks Pov:

I sip my coffee and shift it my seat. I don't know why I agreed to go with him. "Isn't this good for you?" He mumbles. I snap my head up. "How can you hurting Charlie be good for me?" He sets his cup down and lets out a deep sigh. "Nick you've done everything to break us up, your in love with him. He will go running to you the minute you tell him."

I sit there pondering over what he said. "I'm not gonna tell him." "What?" He makes eye contact with me, clearly confused. "I said I'm not going to tell him." "Why?" "Because if I tell him, I'll be the one to break his heart. I'm not going to do that to him."

My mind wanders to our kiss. I wouldn't want Ryker to find out from me. He is right though. If Ryker wants to be with Max.. Charlie won't feel bad about what happened.

Rykers phone rings and Max's name pops up on his screen. He silences it and flips it over. "You can answer." I huff. He nods his head and holds the phone to his ear. "Where did you go and why did you leave the door open?" I can hear Max yelling through the phone. Ryker stands up and walks away so that I can't hear anymore.

I leave money on the table and walk back to Char's dorm. He should be back to school by now. I knock softly but there's no answer. I use my key to let myself in.

He's sitting on his bed, music blasting through his earbuds.

Charlie's Pov:

I look up to see Nick standing in the doorway. I sigh and take an earbud out. "Nothing happened." I mumble. "What?" He sits on the edge of the bed. "Ryker wasn't in his dorm, I haven't told him yet."

"Okay" he nods his head but turns away from me. I can tell when he's hiding something. "Do you know where he is?" He shifts uncomfortably. "No" I roll my eyes at his obvious lie. "You already told him, didn't you?" I spit. "Why would I tell him?" He turns back, clearly hurt. "Then where is he?" I push. "He's with Max"

"What, why is he with Max?" My heart drops. "I think you should go talk to him." Is all he says.

I knock on Max's door but he doesn't answer. Nick comes up behind me and unlocks the door. I forget they live together sometimes. I walk in and Max is pacing back and forth. He turns pale when he sees me and hangs up the phone. "Uh, I'm looking for Ryker." I hesitate. "So am I" he mumbles under his breathe.

I look back at Nick confused. I can sense there's something going on. The door opens and we all turn to look. "Charlie." Ryker stops dead in his tracks. "You said you weren't going to say anything." He looks at Nick. "I didn't asshole"

"Tell me what?" I yell. I'm getting tired of the games. Ryker grabs my hand and pulls me into Max's room." He sits on the bed and I look around. Rykers hockey gear is scattered around the room. Suddenly everything starts to make sense. "I kissed Max" he blurts out. "I kissed Nick." I blurt back.

A few moments pass by and we burst out laughing but tears soon take over. "I guess that works out?" He let's out a sigh of relief. Sadness feels my chest. "Yeah, I guess so..." "I'm really sorry Charlie, but you've been in love with Nick forever. It was never going to be me." A tear falls down his cheek. "I really wanted it to be you." I sniff. "Me too."

"So Max huh?" I smile trying to be supportive. "Yeah.. maybe.. I don't know."

"Ow" Max mumbles from behind the door. I open the door and Max and Nick fall through. "Seriously guys?" Ryker laughs and helps Max up. "Well you weren't talking loud enough for us to hear." Nick laughs. "I'm sorry, we will make sure to discuss our private matters louder next time." I roll my eyes.

I grab Nicks hand and pull him into his room. "So.. you and Ryker..?" He trials off. "Broken up." I sniff. "But that doesn't mean you and I are getting together..." I trial off.

"What?" He steps back stunned. "Nick, your my best friend. I don't want to compromise that." "We won't." He grabs my hand. "Nick I just got out of a relationship literally two seconds ago, I'm not ready to be together."

He sits on his bed. "Fine" is all he says. "Nick please, you have to understand." I plead he turns away from me. "I said it's fine Charlie."

Charlie rings through my ears. He never calls me Charlie. My heart breaks but I'm not willing to sacrifice our friendship . What if we break up? What if we fall out of love? What if I loose my best friend?

Tears fill my eyes. I leave his room and push past Ryker. "Charlie, what happened?" Ryker calls out. "Don't" I hear Max say.

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