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Char Pov:
"France! Your going to France!?" I yell. Nick takes a step back and looks over at Hayden. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to.." Hayden starts. "Leave us alone." I snap and glare in his direction. How could he possibly be so calm while he's taking Nick away from me.  I turn on my heals, I have to get away. "Char wait!" Nick yells after me. I push out of the rink and take off running before he can catch up to me. I don't know where I'm going, I don't even know why I'm so upset but I know I can't deal with this right now.

Max's Pov:

"You gonna answer that?" Ryker is shoving his phone back into his pocket for the 3rd time. "No, I don't want to answer it right now." He gives me a soft smile. I stare at the big tuna going across the exhibit. "Look jellyfish!" He grabs my hand and takes off running. I look down at our fingers interwoven. "They are so tiny!" He exclaims. I watch him for a few minutes. He lights up like a kid in a candy shop every time one of the jellyfish presses against the glass. I look back down at my hand still holding his. I give it a little squeeze and he squeezes it back and gives me another soft smile.

My heart pounds out of my chest and I feel like I'm gonna be sick. "You okay? Your look pale." He moves his hand from mine and places it on my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah. Just a little hungry" I lie. He nods his head "let's go see what the cafe has?" I nod my head. I look up as he starts to walk away. I have feelings for him. Real genuine feelings.

Nicks Pov:

I search for Charlie for an hour. I check all of our usual hiding spots and he's not there. I pull out my phone and call Max.
     N: hey uh have you heard from Charlie by Chance?
M: No, Ryker and I are at the aquarium. What happened.
     N: I told him I was going to France for the summer and he flipped out.
M: your going to France in the summer?!
     N: let's do this later. Call me if you or Ryker talk to him.
I hang up the phone and look around defeated. I head home in hopes that maybe he's there.

I open my bedroom door and sitting on the edge of the bed is Charlie. "I've been worried sick about you" I walk towards him. He turns his back to me. "I'm happy for you"

"I was going to tell you." I sit down next to him. "I just wanted to spend some time together first." He nods his head and turns to me. His eyes are bright red, he's obviously been crying. "It's only for a summer, I'm being stupid." He lays his head on my shoulder. "It's not stupid, it's the first time we are gonna spend the summer apart." I grab his hand and squeeze it tight. My chest tightens and my heart aches. All I can think about is how much I love him. How much I want him to be mine. "We can facetime everyday and the games will be live streamed." I nod my head. "Someone's been doing research."

He sniffs and looks up at me. His smile is sweet and kind. His lips are a little swollen from crying and look extremely pouty. "Don't forget about me" he jokes. "I could never forget about you." I'm serious. He bows his head. "What if you fall in love with some handsome French man?" "What?" I laugh. "What if you fall in love with someone else?" He looks up tears in his eyes again. My heart is thumping hard and my head is spinning. Does he know I'm in love with him?

Time freezes as I figure out what to say. I analyze his expression working it over and over again in his head. I can't find the right words and the next thing I know I'm doing something stupid.

I lean in pressing my lips softly against him. He pulls back and looks at me shocked. My head spins as I start to panic. I misread the situation. I can't believe I was so stupid.

My thoughts are cut off when I feel his lips press against mine. I press my lips harder against him, butterflies are exploding in my stomach. We move are lips together perfectly in sync. I have no thoughts other than him and how long I've been waiting for this to happen.

I pull back for air and we lock eyes. My cheeks are red from embarrassment. We look at each other for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter. "Why are we like this?" I ask breaking the tension. He shakes his head and laughs more.

The air goes still as we calm down. "I just cheated on Ryker." He mumbles. Realization hits me as I realize what he's saying. "How could we do this?" He paces back and forth. His phone rings and he turns it around so I can see it. "Shit" it's Ryker.

All's fair in Love and Hockey - A Nick and Charlie Fan Fiction Where stories live. Discover now