Winter break part 2

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A few days later.
Nicks Pov:

I stretch my arms and look around the room. There's a dim light coming from underneath the door. I pick up my phone. It's 6:00am. I get up and wander into the kitchen. Charlie is standing at the stove, next to him a stack of chocolate chip pancakes. He must have been up a while now. "Couldn't sleep?" I call out and sit at the table. "Yeah, just needed to get up and do something." He turns back and smiles. He wipes his hands on the towel next to him. "Here" he walks the pancakes over to the table and sits down. "I hope your mom doesn't mind." He mumbles. I pick up a pancake and take a bite. "Waking up to breakfast already made? I'm sure she will be fine." I chuckle taking another bite. He picks up a pancake and stares off into the distance. "I've got a lot on my mind." He take a bite still lost in his thoughts. "Wanna talk about it?" I lean in. "No. No. Not right now. Maybe some other time." "Okay.. I'm always here if you need me." I smile. "Yeah, yeah." He replies void of emotion. We sit there and eat our pancakes in silence for what feels like forever.

Max's Pov:

I wake up and feel a heavy weight on my shoulder. I look down and Ryker is passed out. One hand is on my knee, the other on his empty bowl. We must have fallen asleep watching a movie. I gently remove the bowl from his hand and place in on the nightstand. He moves a little but doesn't wake up. A little piece of hair falls into his face as he stirs. I reach up pushing it out of the way before I even realize what I'm doing. My heart races at the contact and I debate waking him up

We have been spending every day of break together. We practice and eat ramen while watching tv. It's the same thing every day. He stirs again but this time it's enough for him to wake up. He reaches his arms out stretching and sits up. "Oh shit, I'm sorry." He shys away. "It's okay" I mumble. He nods his head and sits there for a moment trying to wake up.

"Do you want to do something different today? There's a really cool aquarium I've been wanting to check out. "I could use a change of scenery" he smiles.

Char's Pov:

"So... what do you want to do today?" Nick plops down on the couch next to me. The action makes me drop my phone. "Roll over and die." I groan into the pillow. "Okay what's wrong." He grabs the pillow and takes it from me. "Hey!" I whimper. "No pillow until you tell me why your moody." He laughs, I scoff and cross my arms. "Fine." I look away. "Ryker has posted Max like 3 times on his story. Like he stayed at school because of him I know it." His face drops and I can tell he knows something. "I don't know what's going on with them." He looks off in the distance. "But you wonder too don't you." I nudge. "Yeah... look, I know you love Ryker and have for like ever.. but.." "but what?" "I think you could do better. Someone who's maybe been into you forever." He smiles. My heart melts and I remember what everyone's always said. He's talking about himself. "Yeah maybe. I don't know." I grab the pillow back and let out another groan. "Alright, come on." He stands up and reaches his hand out. "Let's go. You are not going to lay here wallowing all of break." I take his hand and pull myself up. "Fine. But I'm not going to pretend to enjoy it." He nods his head and pulls me to the door.

"Seriously, a hockey game?" I pled. "Come on. It will be fun." I roll my eyes and follow in behind him. "When have we ever been able to watch a game together?" He slides into the bleaches pulling him with me.

The home team misses the last shot and we all stand up yelling in frustration. Nick grabs my hand and squeezes "he totally could have make that shot if he just would have hit the puck a little harder." I look down at his hand holding mine. I don't pull away. I squeeze his hand in mine and he looks down too. He doesn't pull back either and just looks up at me. I can see the love in his eyes. "Charlie, I need to.." his voice is cut off by fans screaming. The star player is coming off the ice and heading our way. "Come on, I want to introduce you." I tilt my head in confusion but follow anyway.

"Char, this is Hayden. Hayden, this is Char." "Hi Charlie." He reaches out his hand to shake. Nick blushes letting go of my hand. I shake his hand but look over at Nick confused. "Let's go to the locker room." Hayden turns and motions for us to follow. We stand off to the side while the rest of the team changes and heads out.

"So what did you think?" He beams "it was such a  great game." Nick replies. They talk about the game and I look around tuning most of it out. "So have you thought about what you'd going to do for the summer?" Hayden smiles and I snap back to the conversation. "This summer?" I question turning to Nick. "Uh yeah" he pulls me aside. "When we weren't talking... I kind of applied to be part of the summer travel team. Hayden is captain and called me this morning letting me know I made the team." "Nick that's great!" I wrap my arms around him pulling him into a hug. "I'm so proud of you. Your gonna be playing with a semi professional team!" Hayden laughs "that's only if he accepts the position." Nick nervously takes a step back. "What's wrong? I look between them. "Char. By travel... I mean I'm going to be in France for the summer."

All's fair in Love and Hockey - A Nick and Charlie Fan Fiction Where stories live. Discover now