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Maddox's Pov:

My heart races as I build up the courage to knock on the door. "Ryker? Are you in there?" I knock softly. "What do you want asshole?" Jackson swings the door open. Luke is cleaning out the cut on Rykers cheek. "Yeah shouldn't you be with your boyfriend?" He spits blood into a tissue and winces in pain. "My boyfriend is with your boyfriend." I roll my eyes. "I have an actual bathroom remember, you can clean up in there." He rolls his eyes moving his body to face away from me. "I'll make you some ramen." I offer shrugging my shoulders. He snaps towards me. "Okay" he nods his head. Jackson grabs his arm shaking his head. "He's harmless, I promise" he winks and follows me out the door.

I turn the sink on and take a wash cloth and get it wet. I place it on his cheek dabbing the blood away. "Why did you do that?" He yelps in pain. "I'm just trying to help, sorry" I ring the wash cloth out. "That's not what I meant." I place the wash cloth back on his check and sigh. "I'm just helping Nick out." "How is Nick and I playing against each other, helping him out." He rolls his eyes. Blood starts to drip from his lip. Instinctively, I wipe the blood away with my thumb. We lock eyes and time stops. I don't move my thumb away and I can feel my heart beating out of my chest. My whole body is on fire. "Max" "sorry" I back away quickly. "It's okay" he grabs my hand pulling me back. He looks in my eyes reassuring me. I pull a bandaid out and place it on his cheek. "You and Nick needed to get your anger out. You can't be teammates if you want to rail on each other every chance you get." I smile slyly, knowing that's only part of the reason. "Oh" he nods. A silence falls over us as I finish cleaning his lip.

"So" he kicks his legs sitting on the counter. "I was promised some ramen and finishing that show?" I chuckle "I only promised you ramen." "I think you owe me" he pouts. "Fine" I roll my eyes smirking. I pull out the pan and put two packets of ramen in. "Do you want to watch on the couch or in my room?" I hesitate. "Uh, actually do you think we could watch in your room? I think Nick would have an issue with us hanging out and I don't feel like getting punched again." His cheeks blush and he turns away. "Yeah, you can go on in if you want" I turn back and crack the eggs into the ramen.

Ryker's Pov:

It's looks different from before, like he's picked up a little. I pick up a picture from last year of him holding the championship cup. "One of the best days of my life" he startles me. He's holding two bowls. I reach for one and he shakes his head. "Get comfortable first" he winks. My cheeks blush. I climb on his bed and shove a pillows behind my back and one under my knee. "Does it hurt?" He hands me a bowl and grabs the lap top. "A little bit. The Dr said it will hurt for a while but it should go away." He nods his head and sits next to me. "Ready?" He places the laptop between us. "Yeah" he presses start and we sit there in silence just eating.

Charlie's Pov:

I walk out the locker room and ball my hands into fists. Anger is fuming from every part of me. Why is Ryker being such an ass and why the hell did Maddox pair them together. I stomp all the way up to Rykers room. I knock on the door loudly. "We're busy" Lukes voice yells from inside the door. I jump back not expecting him to be in there. Ryker must have gone somewhere. I take a deep breath and send him a text.
     C: Where are you?

"Hey" Nick calls out from the elevator. "Maddox just texted me that he has a friend over tonight." I raise my eyebrows. "Not like that. He said they are just hanging out and I can go to my dorm, I just don't want to." I nod my head and turns towards my dorm. "Let's go" he follows behind. "Shit I can't find my key." Nick laughs and pulls one out. "This one?" I roll my eyes and open the door. "You made a copy didn't you?" He throws his bag on the floor and jumps on the bed. "Of course." He laughs. I chuckle and lay next to him. "Are you okay?" I lay my head on his arm and push the hair out of his eyes. "I already told you I'm fine." He rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna kill Ryker."  "Just let it go Char." A confused look flashes on my face. Is Nick really defending him right now? He was ready to kill him last night at the bar. "He's going through a lot and he's clearly threatened by me." He boasts. I roll my eyes and give him a little shove. "I thought you were gonna kill him." "I thought about it" he throws his head back laughing. "What's your beef with him anyway?" I push. "He's just not who I thought you'd end up with." He lays on his back placing his hands behind his head. "And who'd you think I'd end up with?" My heart races but I can't tell why. Recently I'm getting so snappy with him. Theses conversations used to be so easy for us and now I'd rather avoid them. "Don't worry about it." He flips on his side again and locks eyes with me. He reaches up and pushes the hair out of my eyes. I nod my head and yawn. "Tired?" He he traces my cheek with his finger. I yawn again too tired to answer. I can't explain it but I feel more comfortable that I have in weeks. The next thing I know I'm drifting off, his hand still on my cheek.

All's fair in Love and Hockey - A Nick and Charlie Fan Fiction Where stories live. Discover now