22. Aftermath

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Y/N went back to his house for the night, placing the dart gun back in its case and tossing his cloak onto the floor.

He wasn't that tired, and the job had been much easier than he'd thought. It was probably easier than taking out some random person, and the payout...

He would receive the 200 million as soon as Snipe's death hit the public, and was confirmed to be true.

Y/N grinned at the thought of adding such a large amount to his wealth, and sat down in a swivel chair, spinning it round and round idly.

"I have a few more days till internships finish, then I'll have to go back to school." He thought for a second. "I guess I'll have to answer a crap ton of police questions, but because I won the sports festival and the Angel took responsibility, it should be fine."

He got ready for bed, taking a quick shower and getting changed into some pyjamas with stripes on them.

It was late, nearing twelve, and Y/N was about to head to bed when his phone buzzed with a message.

Frowning, the boy opened his messaging app and looked at the newest one.

Hey, Y/N! I hope I've got the right number here.

Just wondering if you want to head out with some of the guys after internships are over? We're planning on going to either a climbing place or paintballing. Maybe the cinema as well.

Btw, it's Kirishima here.

Y/N felt the frown on his face deepen. Nobody in school had his number, and he hadn't shared it with anybody.

The only thing his number was used for was to place a hit, and the only way those people would get a hold was through connections like the mafia or some rich businessmen.

"It could be legit I guess, but... there's no way they could've got my number unless they themselves know some people."

He briefly hesitated before pressing the button to block the number.

There was another message Y/N opened, reading it quickly and a smile wiping away the frown on his face.

"Looks like a lot of people don't like pro heroes. Who would've guessed?"

The boy printed out the message that was sent, sticking it to his contract board. He would find a picture and a proper description for it some other time, it was too late for that tonight.

Eye Gun Hero - X-Less. One of the heroes that works in close collaboration with the police. Goes to the police station in normal working hours, and only leaves the building to respond to a threat during that time. Full sum paid in cash, 6.5 million yen.

"I'll do that one tomorrow, it's late af right now."

Y/N fell backwards onto his bed, placing his phone off to one side and closing his eyes, falling to sleep easily.


The next morning, Y/N donned his usual U.A high uniform, not wearing the hero costume he'd bought for Snipe.

There was always the chance a camera had picked up his clothing, and that would be bad. As far as anybody knew, he'd been interning for Snipe in his uniform.

He headed to the agency like normal, humming to himself as he walked through the streets.

After stopping at a cafe to pick up a mocha, he strolled down the agency's road, holding his drink in one hand.

Y/N stopped outside the heavy double doors he'd been through for the past few days, looking at the scene that had happened with a mild smile on his face.

Police tape criss-crossed the door, as well as the area outside the door where he'd killed the female intern only last night.

Law enforcement was swarming all over the area, and through the gaps in the tap Y/N could see the room packed full of people wearing full medical suits, poking around using complicated-looking equipment.

A police officer quickly noticed him standing there watching, and headed over. "Are you an intern here?"

Y/N nodded, gesturing down to his U.A uniform. "My name's Y/N. What happened?" He pretended to be confused, not showing any of the childish glee he felt.

"I'm sorry to say that the person you were interning under, Snipe, has been killed."

Y/N gasped, placing the hand without his drink over his mouth as he widened his eyes.


The police officer shrugged. "We believe it was the same person that has been all over the news. The Angel of Death?"

Y/N nodded quickly, turning for a second to grin widely before looking back. "So what do I do now?"

The policeman looked a bit confused at his sudden change of topic.

"We've informed U.A High as well as all the schools sending interns here, and they've said that any students involved with this internship will have free study time until the scheduled end of internships."

The boy nodded before turning away and walking down the street. "Alright."

Just as I expected. They've given me free time, and they don't suspect me at all. Perfect.

Saying that makes me sound like a movie villain. 

Angel of Death (BNHA x male villain reader)Where stories live. Discover now