🖤1: ᴍᴀʀᴇᴄʜɪ🖤

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His body simply stiffens at the faint aroma that made it to his nostrils. He was aware of that smell from any place, and he recalls how long it has been since he last consumed that kind of blood. Years have passed, and he isn't holding back on the following one. He chooses not to hurry due to the lack of demons wandering the snow-covered forest of enormously thick trees. He climbs up one of the sturdy branches and looks forward to see a modest, cozy cottage. With each jump on each tree, he propels the heavy blanket of snow into the air. As he gradually builds up pace, each of his six eyes maintains an unyielding look. His eyes widen in light dizziness as the fragrance intensifies and causes his head to spin. He stops, gathers himself, and then eventually stands up straight again.

His many eyes search the tiny cottage that is decked with snow that is building up. The demon dives to the ground and quickly stands up as his breathing doesn't alter. His body starts to tremble a little now that the scent of marechi is more potent, but he still takes a stride. He continues to advance, almost in a desperate search for the rare blood that is waiting for him inside this particular door. He tightens his fists as he feels the flesh being torn by his nails. He is aware that this blood is not typical marechi blood. He recalls his responses to Marechi with great clarity, but this is not it. The fragrance is youthful, not 'just opening a wound' fresh. Even if it has a childlike odor, he and many other demons know that it won't stop them. Most demons won't care, and he doesn't either.

His huge palm sweeps across the doorknob, inhaling the scent one final time before twisting the knob. His nostrils are smacked by an overwhelming odor that almost made him squirm. He realizes that this isn't marechi when he smells it for a longer period of time. He is unsure of what it is, but he is wise enough to avoid assuming that it is the blood that would drive the weaker demons to conflict. The upper ranks didn't have to, but he is now unsure.

His six eyes scan the filthy living space, nearly identifying the source of the smell right away. He moves to the far corner, where a sizable grey blanket is still present, along with pillows that protrude from the edges. He stumbles once again, nearly sighing in frustration at his inability to fully control his body as he usually would. Kokushibo hums in meditation as he notices a small amount of movement digging around under the cover. His arms are still at his sides as he lifts the thick blanket off the dusty floor with his foot, expecting to find a terrified man or woman attempting to conceal themselves in such a poor manner, but what catches his many eyes is not at all what he expected. A small girl, maybe around the age of four or five, is cowering under the blanket, shivering violently and sporting what appears to be a sorrowful expression on her youthful face. She jumped at the lack of the blanket and angled her head toward what she believes to be the demon's eyes.

Her clouded white eyes are what truly initially grabs his attention. She is blind, and he knows that. He must put a stop to her pain because she is a young soul already going through a lot. Not only due of the rarity of her blood, but also because her agony will end. Finally, she will be numb to the anguish she may be experiencing right now and will feel nothing. The higher moon one lowers his gaze to a minor cut on her hand, which ends up bleeding quite a bit. The smell is only encouraging him.

He gradually raises his hand to the blade's grip, intending to take this child's life. His sword pulling out makes a hollow sound that reverberates and echoes off the walls. He waits a few moments without moving before swiftly lifting his arm. The aura that surrounds him remains constant throughout his entrance, and she only knows one person with a serious and harsh aura.




~The girl wasn't born blind

~Yoriichi was watching the entire thing. He went to the cabin before Kokushibo did and sat in front of the child with guilt clearly visible on his face.

~The girl could sense Yoriichi's presence, but was too scared to do anything.


Note: The secrets and extras will either be stated later on in the book or not at all.

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