🖤21: ᴜᴘᴘᴇʀ ᴍᴏᴏɴ sɪx🖤

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      Mabel waits in an empty room, awaiting for her brother to return from discussing a demon that is roaming the area. She fiddles with her crème colored kimono, which she was given when she got settled in. She hears Inosuke screaming about a demon being in the house he's penetrating as she casts a glimpse out the window she's sitting in front of. She exhales before falling to her back and gazing up at the ceiling. "Are you alright?" Mabel rotates her head just enough to see her uncle sitting on his legs next to her, giving her a mildly worried look despite the fact that he rarely showed his emotions. Lowering her brows, she turns her head back up. "It feels like things are only getting worse." She answers, noticing a little breeze blowing through the open window. Yoriichi tilts his head in response to her peculiar statement but still lies on his back next to her. He settles himself and looks up at the ceiling as he pushes his long hair out of his face. "Are horrible things happening because of me?" He exhales quickly as he observes her looking sorrowful and uneasy. As he turns to face her, he notices that the maroon eyes he gave her are now glistening with tears. He gently strokes her cheek with his upward-extending hand. "No, it was never your fault."

      Mabel looks at his identical eyes as she tilts her head to the side. "So why do I feel like the demon is about to attack?" Yoriichi notices her remarks as his eyelids droop slightly. He straightens up before peering down at her. "I always give your opinions some thought." When her uncle looks out the window, Mabel elevates her upper body and balances herself on her feet. "Your brother is coming."

      Yoriichi gently pulls Mabel back by placing his hands on her shoulders as she attempts to jump up in front of the window. Tanjiro abruptly jumps down onto the sill and smiles softly. "Mabel." She extends her hand in the hopes that he will take it, and he does. He pats her head with his other hand before looking her in the eye. "Who were you talking to?" Mabel frowns momentarily. She turns to face her uncle, who was still seated upright on the floor next to the two of them. When he shakes his head at her, Mabel turns to look at her elder brother. "It's okay, I was just lonely." She bows her head as she feels Tanjiro give her another pat. He chuckles. 

      He unexpectedly picks her up. "We have to leave. I still need to talk to Koinatsu-san." He places his feet firmly on the floor and moves toward the entrance. He looks at Mabel's maroon eyes as she tugs on his short hair. "What about Daddy and the others?" Tanjiro finds his way down the hallway before coming to a stop in front of a set of enormous sliding doors. "Don't worry, they'll be fine." He slides open the door with his hand on the handle to reveal the woman sitting on the floor and gazing into a tiny mirror. "Koinatsu-san." Tanjiro looks at the woman while lowering himself. She looks at him first, then at the young child in his arms. "Forgive me for being impolite. I will be leaving the Tokito House." As Mabel begins to fumble with his haori, he sets an envelope on the ground and slides it in her direction. "I owe the master and the others for all the care they gave me, so could you give this payment to them?"  Koinatsu's eyes expand as she analyzes him. "Sumi-chan, your clothes."

      Mabel's body paralyzes when she becomes unexpectedly cold. She ignores what they are saying and keeps staring behind her older brother, feeling the breeze but seeing nothing. The only sensation she has is the impression of eyes circling her body. She senses Tanjiro's hold on her tightening in his arms, but she makes no effort to turn around to face Koinatsu or him. 'Is there a demon in here?' She questions herself and looks around her, but she still has no answers. "Mabel?" She looks at her brother as she flinches. "Here." He presents her with a miniature, thin box that is covered in a satiny purple fabric. "Nobody knows who left it here for you, but someone did. Koinatsu-san found it." Mabel grasps it and notices how lightweight it is. Tanjiro smiles and bows to the lady before getting to his feet and leaving the structure.

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