🖤20: ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴏᴋɪᴛᴏ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ🖤

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      Mabel doesn't pay attention to the commotion going on in the opposite room because she is accustomed to it at this point. Akaza holds the pig head away from the young man and casts a glance towards Inosuke. He ignores his cries to return the mask and uses his foot to push him away while inspecting his face. "How in the world can a man hold a face that beautiful?" He asks himself, raising an eyebrow as he turns to face the mask again. He throws the pig head back at the man and moves in the direction of Uzui, who is currently attempting to apply makeup to Tanjiro. Zenitsu's disgusted gaze prompts Akaza to push Uzui out of the way so he can see what he did. "What did you do to his face? Are you trying to mess up the mission?" The pillar stares at the demon as veins appear on his head. He whips his head at the demonic being with the six eyes, hoping that he will take action for his son, but Kokushibo ignores him and hands the pinkette a little handkerchief instead.

      Mabel grabs Tanjiro's haori and starts toying with it as Akaza starts to carefully wipe his brother's face clean. "I recall doing makeup when I was a human, but I'm not sure who I was doing it for." He throws the rag behind him and doesn't pay attention to the noise coming from the sound pillar. "I don't remember who she was." Tanjiro was almost reminded of a female face by the smell of makeup and the swaying of the small brush against his skin. Her tied-up dark hair and soft features staring back at him are all too familiar, but who was she? Whoever she was, she was gorgeous. Though the eye hues may be different, he questions why Mabel's eyes resemble hers so much. Maybe because, from what he could recall, she and this woman had similar personalities.

      As Akaza places the brushes down and looks over his work, he straightens his back. "Is that too uncomfortable?" Tanjiro smiles broadly while shaking his head. "No, it feels fine." Zenitsu looks at Tanjiro's face, then shouts and runs to the opposing side of the room. "Is that Tanjiro? How do you do your makeup so well? He looks stunning!" Akaza sighs, picking the brush back up, and casts a glance over at the boy with the yellow hair. "Now I have to do yours. We're wasting too much time on this."

      They were, too. Things will eventually start to happen too quickly and too late; it was only a question of time. So, after Akaza put delicate pearl headbands on each of them, they were off. Even if Akaza was disguised, the group's looks from onlookers made them feel anxious, even if they aren't directed at him. On the plus side, he was pleased that they were instantly welcomed into each of the three most significant houses. Now, Akaza stays with Zenitsu covertly, and Kokushibo keeps tabs on Tanjiro and Inosuke. It was unexpected to see a small female with Tanjiro when he briefly moved into the Tokito house with the females. They accepted the story that a young girl so small had been abandoned. It was fortunate for the Kamado that he wasn't the one who was lying.

      Mabel approaches Tanjiro, who is given the mission-related temporary name 'Sumiko,' carrying a white rag in her arms. Her disguised brother raises his head from cleaning the floor and beams brightly. "I brought you more rags, Nee-chan!" She giggles, finding delight in referring to her brother as her sister. Tanjiro chuckles at her enthusiastic movements as she bounces excitedly next to him. "Thank you alot, Mabel!" It seems reasonable that they kept the five-year old's name the same. After all, she wasn't supposed to be on the mission, but because Muzan has been hunting her for quite some time, they could use her as bait. It was a dangerous game to play, one that Kokushibo did not want to play, but the others had a valid point. Muzan wants her dead so he can possibly find a way to reclaim his formidable demons from the slayers. Without a doubt, he has alerted the upper moons of the situation, and if an upper moon were to appear, they would be immediately drawn into a trap.

      "Sumiko-chan, could you carry some of that over?" Tanjiro looks up from his little sister when a stunning woman asks. "It seems like we don't have enough helpers." He places the rags on the ground, just like Mabel did, and stands up. "I understand! Koinatsu-orian's room, right?  I'll carry it over!" He starts to layer the presents, and Mabel, who had been softly muttering that she wanted to help, is allowed to hold a small wrapped container as he does so. Although everything appears to be going smoothly thus far, Tanjiro has a feeling that something was about to go wrong. Whether it was sooner or later, he didn't know, but he could sense the ominous air surrounding him as he made his way down the hall. No, he couldn't smell any demons, but as he walks, he feels eyes on him. But it's not just because they're aimed at him that he continues to stay on guard. They actually aren't.

It's because they're directed towards Mabel.


~Remember when Mabel and Kokushibo's subconscious minds traveled back in time basically and met younger Yoriichi and Michikatsu? Well, they're the real Yoriichi and Michikatsu. When they sleep in their timeline, they appear in the Taisho era where no one can see them much like the Yoriichi throughout the story. When they wake up, they won't remember anything, but when they return, everything comes back to them.

~~The reason this happens is related to one of Mabel's family members. However, how it happened was a complete accident.

~Akaza and Senjuro have been sending letters to each other

~Wisteria isn't affecting Kokushibo and Akaza anymore and no one knows why

~~Hint: It's related to Mabel's mother

~Akaza was singing to himself as he was looking at the stuff through the shops. Zenitsu became jealous because his voice sounds better then his.

~~He doesn't want Mabel to ask Akaza to sing for her instead of Zenitsu

~Tanjiro fully admits that he's tone deaf and that he can't sing, but Inosuke doesn't know what that means and refuses to believe that he's tone deaf too.

~~He's trash at singing

~~~As you can tell, Mabel really likes music

~Akaza may have seemed shocked or okay when he saw Inosuke's face, but he was honestly creeped out

~When Akaza said "Are you trying to mess up the mission?" He actually almost said "Are you trying to fuck up the mission?" but he didn't want to be smacked and scolded for two hours by Kokushibo about saying inappropriate words in front of Mabel. 

~Kokushibo told Uzui that Tanjiro sucks at lying, so he asked Tanjiro if he could tell a small lie. He regretted it.

~~Uzui told the girls that Mabel being abandoned was a topic that Tanjiro refuses to talk about in hopes that he wouldn't have to lie

~We still have 25 people in the Anti-Muzan Club. Muzan figured out that we made this club and now he's mad, but that won't stop us >:)

~~Yoriichi kidnapped Kokushibo and forced him to join the club

~~~Spread the Anti-Muzan Club!!

~Author-chan spent 15 minutes doing math, but she figured out that she didn't even have to do it and now she's upset.

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