🖤46: ᴍɪᴛᴏᴋɪ ᴋɪʙᴜᴛsᴜᴊɪ🖤

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      He did precisely what his dad had commanded: he dropped a droplet of his blood into Muzan's candle. However, when he arrived, he had a sensation that something was wrong, particularly with Mabel. However, this couldn't be the case as she was with Urokodaki and Senjuro on the mountain. Even so, he stopped running in the direction of his younger brother and sister to give himself a moment to ponder. There was wisteria inside that room that Mabel's mother went inside to try and take Mabel. He remembers, but the others might not because he was the one who placed the little plant at the back of the room. There was wisteria all around the home on that mountain, but if Mabel's mother was the one ordered to abduct her, she is still in grave danger no matter where she is.

      He recalls landing on the ground just in front of the window and seeing the older man attempting to comfort a panicked and sobbing Senjuro. Sumiyoshi could hardly breathe when he finally spoke out and questioned about what had happened and where Mabel was. His entire world slowed after hearing the news, and he didn't even try fighting the warm salty tears that began to fall down his cheeks. He couldn't wait any longer and went straight after promising to find her, bring her back, and stay with them for protection.

      Sumiyoshi paused when he finally realized that all of the other upper moons were dead and on their way to Muzan. Additionally, Muzan cannot be the person Mabel's mother takes her to because he is still healing. So, nowhere is safe around here because Yoriichi would have spotted her and killed her. As a result, he can only think of one incident that occurred to Mabel. Sumiyoshi takes a shaky deep breath, his anxiousness increasing as he shuts his eyes and notices his surroundings changing. The temperature against his skin is warm and summery, and the first thing he hears is the rustling of the leaves on the trees in a mild wind. When he opens one eye, he notices how radically his surroundings have altered. The first thing he saw was that the sun was still setting; thus, if Mabel's mother were present, she would only be hidden for a further twenty minutes at most. Unless she was moving under the trees.

      That made sense; he chose to move on first since the trees up ahead were denser and some were taller. He leaps on top of the branches, moving swiftly and trying to sense her, which he does, but he also senses Mabel. His hands begin to tremble, and his heart rate quickens. He eventually rests on a branch in the distance, looking out to a familiar place: his home. When he was still living, he lived in this house, and with his wife and two children, he never imagined that he would truly come back. He averts his eyes just a little to look at the woman who earlier attempted to kidnap his younger sister. He couldn't seem to hear her as she spoke while slowly moving towards the home. He hops onto the next branch ahead and finally sees a man he recognizes. His other self was clutching Mabel, while his wife, Suyako, was embracing their daughter and son behind him. Sumiyoshi moves onto a different branch to get closer, and he is able to hear what she is saying at last. "Why are you being so stubborn? Just give me my little girl back." Her sweet voice sounded forced, as if she had been acting for so long that she was now breaking.

      He could see his living self clutching a terrified Mabel even closer, refusing to give her over to this demon in front of the home. Her fingers begin to quiver, and she ultimately makes the decision to lunge forward as she gets ready to kill the people in the area and kidnap her daughter. Sumiyoshi's eyes widen on the branch, and as he lunges toward her, his foot slams into her skull with incredible force. He had no idea that he would eventually cross paths with another living version of himself, but he had to put himself in this position for the sake of both Mabel and himself. The deceased Sumiyoshi would probably not be present if anything were to happen to him in this timeline. He had to be cautious in his choices.

      Sumiyoshi could tell that everyone else in this place appeared to be in good health, and that made him grin warmly. His attention is drawn to the female demon, and he eventually notices the lack of kanji in her eyes. She's no longer an upper moon, but if that's the case, what was she? If she wasn't still with him or the others, Muzan wouldn't have allowed her to play such a significant role in the battle. Sumiyoshi's leg twitches slightly as his soft smile turns sinister, his grin unwavering as his red eyes darken and his hands clench into fists. "Are you that naive?" Her face was partly unharmed, but the back of her skull was utterly crushed into bits after his foot went through it. Even when her blood splashed up to his face, he didn't appear to be bothered at all. The other adults in the back, particularly Sumiyoshi, were puzzled. Why did he resemble him so much? He could tell everyone they were twins and they'd believe him! They shared the same hair, dark red eyes, and even the same attire with a checkerboard design. He wanted to get a better look at him, but when he spoke, his voice was comparable to his but considerably deadlier. 

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