🖤26: ᴛᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏ ᴀᴡᴀᴋᴇɴs 🖤

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      Since the conflict in the Red Light District, Tanjiro has been unconscious for two months. It was way too long, according to Kokushibo. He blames himself since he wishes he had finished helping civilians quicker so that his son wouldn't have had to suffer so much. Thus, when he looked down at Tanjiro's pallid face, not only him but also Yoriichi are driven to feel such intense emotional anguish for him. Since they were returned to the butterfly estate, the two have refused to leave his side. When the two eventually left to spend time with Mabel and Nezuko, they planned to send Sumiyoshi to stay with him instead. Even though it wasn't frequent, the older Kamado loved those moments. This was one of those occasions.

      Sumiyoshi looks forward as he carries a purple candle, his footsteps echoing in the vast empty hallway. He lets out a tired sigh as he finally sees the entrance to the room where his descendant is staying. He delicately presses his palm on the door to open it, but what he finds is very unexpected. He observes Tanjiro lying in bed, his red eyes fixed upward. Sumiyoshi drops the candle out of astonishment, not caring that he steps on shards of the purple candle as he goes to his bed. "Tanjiro, are you all right? You've been unconscious for two months." His breath is weak as he informs him. Tanjiro carefully turns his head toward the man as his eyes scan his face, seemingly taking in his well-known features. "Oh, really?" He appeared to be forcing himself to speak in a weak, calm tone to express that everything is well. "I see." He turns away from the elder man and looks up at the ceiling. Sumiyoshi smiled and kept his eyes fixed on the teenager. "I'm so happy you're awake." In the middle of his speech, he takes a breath and his body sags as he realizes everything will be okay.

      He places a palm on Tanjiro's forehead and feels heat build up against his hand. The fact that Yoriichi had taken him along with the others made him happy. He has no idea how he landed up at Tanjiro's subconscious house, but he is content that that is where life has led him. He is fully prepared for the additional events that will inevitably occur after that. With the others, particularly Tanjiro and Mabel, he is prepared to experience all the highs and lows. Actually, now that he about it, he has never met Nezuko. He finds it remarkable that she sleeps rather than consuming people after hearing about her from others, but he doesn't even know what she looks like outside of her kimono. He knows this because he had to sew her pink kimono.

      Sumiyosho sits on a wooden chair next to the bed with his hand still on Tanjiro's head. From the corner of his eye, he notices a kakushi enter with a plate of castella. He approaches the bed from the opposite side and turns to face the older Kamado. "I brought some castella over. So please clear the way for me to set it down. If it looks spoiled, just go ahead and eat it."  Sumiyoshi casts a quick glance at the plate before focusing on his descendant. Tanjiro opens his eyes shakily and doesn't glance at the kakushi. "Th-thank you so much," The kakushi, Gotou, is staring at the teen with wide eyes as the castella dish falls over the bed. "He woke up!? Why aren't you screaming?!" He glares at the older Kamado, veins bursting in his skin. "You are an utter airhead! You're supposed to call someone! He managed to regain consciousness, you dumbass!"  Gotou begins to stomp away, yelling at Sumiyoshi as he bows to the kakushi. "Everyone is worried sick about him! I don't care if you're his brother!" He protrudes from the door and leans on the door frame as he surveys the expansive corridor. "Kiyo-chan, Sumi-chan, Naho-chan! Aoi-chan, Tanjiro is awake!"

      The cries of the three females to whom he developed such strong attachments are heard by Sumiyoshi as he sits still next to Tanjiro's bed and a small drop of sweat drips down his brow. He looks at them as they surround the teen boy, staring at them as they sob in relief as Tanjiro grins at their antics. Unexpectedly, the door bursts open, showing someone stumbling inside with sheets draped over them. Kiyo screams, shrieking monster as the wrapped person approaches the bed. The covers gradually come off, exposing Aoi, who is screaming and looking shocked. She presses her face into the bedside, ecstatic by the news. Sumiyoshi pats her on the back since he is at a loss for what to do when he hears noisy stomping in the hallway. 

      The door bursts open once more, and everyone sees the twins with wide eyes and a somewhat tense expression. They dash beside the bed, both clutching Tanjiro's hands while Akaza remains in front of the door, supporting Mabel, who is discreetly sobbing at the image of her brother. Kokushibo conceals his face in the teenager's abdomen, on the point of tears when he feels his twin's hand on his. "Tanjiro, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry." The demon's hands are trembling between the two hands and his voice is feeble. Akaza approaches the group carefully and places Mabel on Tanjiro's chest, crying and buries her face in the crook of his neck. Tanjiro weakly elevates his arms up and encircles the little girl as he grins slightly. He stares off into space, remembering all that occurred during the conflict between his father and the upper moons.

      Tanjiro's family, the very family he never imagined would be possible, will always be the first thing on his mind. The first was his father, who served as Muzan's right-hand man. When he first learnt about it, he found it to be extremely upsetting; but, in light of what has recently transpired, he is aware that, if they previously did not, the other hashira must now put their faith in him. Then came his elder brother Akaza, an upper moon and one of the most powerful demons who was prepared to switch sides for the family. It was Mabel's cause, and Tanjiro didn't require any further explanation. Her very presence here is altering things, and as a result, they have formed a stronger union. They now have a greater collective strength, and Tanjiro can't help but cry with joy. He loosely embraces his dad and cries in silence. "It's not your fault. I'm grateful, dad." It appeared as though life had blessed him for everything that he had achieved, and he was in love with his new way of living. He never wants to change this.

'Mom, dad, can you see me up there?'


~Kokushibo is actually really good at cooking even though he can't eat human food

~~Mabel's a really fast leaner when it comes to food.

~Akaza visits the Rengoku household at least once a week

~Sumiyoshi saw Tanjiro as his son rather than his descendant, but he doesn't tell anyone because who knows what Kokushibo's reaction will be.

~Kanao wasn't there because she was calming a stressed Senjuro who wanted to visit, along with Kyojuro.

~~She's really good at cooking as well according to Yoriichi

~Yoriichi and Sumiyoshi lit a white 'get well soon' candle that said "a hug in a jar."

~Mabel wants Sumiyoshi to be his new brother and Yoriichi is fine with it.

~~Kokushibo was obviously fine with it, too.

~~~Everyone should know him by now

~Almost everyone already loves Sumiyoshi because of how similar he is to Tanjiro in both looks and personality.

~Yoriichi will visit a certain blond demon's subconscious house soon

~Kokushibo went from having 8 kids to 11 kids

~~Muichiro, Senjuro, and Sumiyoshi have joined the Tsugikuni family

~~~Author-chan bets that you thought that Sumiyoshi was going to be an uncle instead of a sibling >:) 

~~~~You thought wrong!

~The purple candle that Sumiyoshi was holding was a 'lemon lavender' scented candle.

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