🖤43: ᴋᴀɪɢᴀᴋᴜ🖤

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      Zenitsu still remembered that letter from training, and that was the reason he was so desperate to kill the boy he knew before becoming an official slayer. At first, he didn't want to answer Sumiyoshi's question about why he seemed so different, but he thought that if he didn't tell Sumiyoshi, would it make Zenitsu selfish for not telling someone who looked after him? Knowing how much the others cared, he was confident that Sumiyoshi wouldn't leak the information and would even assist him if he could if the situation was serious in the eyes of the others. So he told him everything. He informed him about his life with Kaigaku, how much they despised each other, and he transformed into a demon.

      When Zenitsu informed him he needed to kill him, the older Kamado froze and pondered. If the top three upper moons could betray Muzan and swap sides to work with the demon slayers, why can't he do the same? Why should it be impossible for Zenitsu to be happy with a person he views as a brother? Zenitsu, on the other hand, was far too terrified to even consider it. He was harsh and disrespectful back then, and it's possible that he still is after all these years. How does he know, though? Who could possibly know? He doesn't, that's true. And the only way to find out if it's true is to try. He was doing this on his own, so if something, anything, doesn't work, he'll be all alone with someone he genuinely wants to spend his life with.

      The thunder breather moved slowly within the infinite castle, some of the walls still moving near by. He suddenly feels a familiar presence as he turns to gaze at a door, and a mournful expression appears on his face. "Zenistu?" Zenitsu's eyes widen as the door opens and the demon's face shows sorrow. "Kaigaku." A single tear falls down his cheek as he mumbles his name. The black-haired demon, known as Kaigaku, exhales heavily and drops his blade on the ground. His fingers twitch as he fights back tears that are about to fall, his heart beating faster. The upper moon wails and leaps forward, throwing his arms around the yellow-haired boy's neck. Zenitsu clutches Kaigaku back while resisting the need to cry as his legs start to shake and he tightens his arms around the other man.

"Upper moon three, Kuragari, has been killed."

      "What?" Kaigaku turns his head to look at the birds circling above them in the wide spaces. "We only just arrived!" A little bird suddenly lands on Kaigaku's head, causing him to startle. The bird was obviously afraid by the demon, but it didn't flee when the upper moon held out his hand and let the little bird jump on the side of it. "A sparrow?" Zenitsu beams as he notices the little bird in front of him. "His name is Chuntaro! He was meant to be my kasugai crow." He informs him, feeling a little embarrassed about revealing this information with his old senior. Kaigaku lifts his brow, staring up at the other male in front of him. "They handed you a sparrow instead of a crow?" His words had a joking tone to it, but the other man just smiled at his question rather than letting his embarrassment to rise up inside of him.

      The thing that Zenitsu believed wouldn't work is really happening right now, all because of Sumiyoshi. He must be grateful to the older Kamado for giving him hope, but why did Kaigaku appear so happy to meet the boy with the yellow hair? The two used to despise one another, as he had previously considered, so why was he so thrilled that they were finally meeting after some time? Zenitsu found that strange, but he also remembered Kokushibo having previously told him that he had turned someone into a demon who also utilized thunder breathing. All those months ago, he didn't give it much thought, but now that the former upper moon had switched sides, how would the person he had turned into a demon feel? He threatened Kaigaku with death if he let even a single drop of Kokushibo's blood escape his grasp, so it's no surprise that he was surprised and confused when he found that he had rejoined the Demon Slayer's, along with two other upper moon's.

      "Kaigaku." When Zenistu looks into the demon's turquoise eyes, his body briefly freezes. "Will you come back home?" The question causes Kaigaku's eyes to widen. He killed people, so why is he going to be so forgiving of him? He has acted in such a dreadful way both now and in the past. "How can you accept me back so easily?" The voice of the upper moon six was low and slightly confused-sounding. Chuntaro swiftly flies to the head of the younger male as the two maintain eye contact. Zenitsu's hand clenches firmly, his tears resurfacing gradually. "Because I want to be with Aniki!" Kaigaku's eyes widened as he focused on the boy in front of him, analyzing his features. His eyes progressively get more glossy with each passing second as his heart starts to beat quickly. Zenitsu extends his hand in hope of the demon's aid. Kaigaku inhales quickly and deeply before lowering his hand steadily into his.

"Caw! Upper moon six, Kaigaku, has joined the Demon Slayer's!"


~The upper moon one (Mabel's biological mother) has been replaced by another demon. However, she is hiding somewhere that only Mabel, Yoriichi, and Sumiyoshi will know.

~~She doesn't actually know that Yoriichi and Sumiyoshi know this, however.

~~~Kokushibo is going to be pissed when he learns that she isn't at the infinity fortress anymore

~Mabel really loves Chuntaro. When she first saw the bird, he was perched on top of Zenitsu's head. She squealed and reached out, wanting to hold the sparrow, and Chuntaro let her. 

~~He loves her too

~When Muichiro went to the village when he first met Mabel and Kokushibo, his crow was with him. His crow is a female by the name of Ginko, and, for some reason, she hated Mabel more than she hated anyone. 

~~Now though, she isn't as much of a jerk and spends some of her time laying on Mabel's lap.

~If you didn't know, Sumiyoshi is an official demon slayer, but how does he kill demons? Well, it's already obvious that demons can have subconscious houses as well, and when he lights the candles in their subconscious houses, that means that he has the ability to physically touch them. In other words, he can kill them. However, that means that they can physically touch him too, which brings us to the next question:

~~What happens to Sumiyoshi when he gets injured if he's already dead? That's the strange thing; he heals quickly just like a demon. You can't kill him if he's already dead. For example: if he gets his arm cut off, he will either reattach it or just grow a new one. 

~~~Yoriichi can do all of this as well, however, he mostly spends his time with his family

~10 people said that I had permission to marry Kokushibo, therefore, I'm all of your mom's now. 

~~Mama loves all of you😭

~This chapter was a bit rushed because mama had to do a lab report for her science class :')

~~Yes, she's going to say "mama" instead of "Author-chan" from now on!

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